Metal and skin (Knock Out X OC)

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Yay! Someone who isn't Crosshairs!

That's what your thinking, right?

Yeah, I'm right. So, Knock Out is going to have his own personal OC, like Crosshairs, and her name is Hannah. She has shoulder length blonde hair and deep brown eyes. She's shy and quiet, and is the best example of "normal", whatever that is. That is, until she meets Cybertronians.

I'm pretty sure you can't be called normal once you've sat on a 20ft tall robots shoulder.

So I like holoforms (if you can't tell) but, what if our dear reader wants to hug her metal boyfriend exactly like that: metal? I mean, we know what skin feels like. In my stories, they have two holoforms that they can project: one humanoid, and one that is basically them, just 15ft smaller lol. And since they are holding a whole new form with the humanoid holo, it probably hurts after awhile, so they slowly start reverting to there "original" holo, or their robotic holo. Do you get it?

Also, I'm going to bother people, because in the intro, I said Knock Out, but in the story it's Knockout, sooo..... Heheh, plz don't kill meh.

Anyways, this is just a Drabble honestly, so I'll see you when my brain crashes and gets the spinning wheel of doom. 👍


Pitter patter pitter patter, sang the rain as it thumped against the metal roof that rest above Hannah's head.

Wind whistled through the atmosphere, tugging at the falling tears from the clouds, pulling them into windows, creating a stream-like figure to form on the glass that Hannah looked out of.

The red Aston Martin DBS V12 that rest in the front drive glistened under the streetlights, the rain sliding down every curve on its perfectly shaped body.

Hannah sighed, the rain keeping her up past her normal bedtime. She knew she had work in less than four hours, she just couldn't get her mind to shut down.

She had been bothered by the recently unfolded events, specifically the ones with folds still etched into the aging paper. Like how her boyfriend wasn't even from the same solar system as her own species.

He was a 21ft tall, metal, autonomous robot with a soul to call its own. And, damn, was he the sexiest robot Hannah has ever seen.

He didn't think it was very important to tell her that small fact about him. Or his friends, apparently, considering just  a few hours ago, a blue robot decided it was okay to pick her up off the ground and let her dangle by the collar of her shirt while saying, "Hey Knockout! Like the new accessory!"

..... Yeah, both of the boys got smacked for that one.

Hannah cast a sideways glance at the slumbering form of Knockouts holoform on her bed, his chest rising and falling in fake breaths of air.

He was curled on his right shoulder, his legs tangled in the blankets. His hands were in balled fists resting on his beautifully crafted chest.

His faced looked so peaceful, aside from the occasional twitch. His usually perfectly combed hair now lay ruffled on the pillow under his head.

Hannah let a smile pull at her lips, and her fingers gently trailed up her arms in a futile attempt to regain the lost heat to her body.

She watched as Knockout shifted slightly, the blanket that was once covering his bare feet falling to the floor, leaving Knockouts tan skin to be covered only by his black jeans.

He pressed his face into Hannah's pillow, his eyebrows knitting together as an asleep expression of pain flashed across his delicate features.

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