Mean it (Crosshairs X OC)

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Oh my lord I'm so sorry! I've been extremely busy lately, so I didn't have a lot of time to write. Then I realized that I haven't updated since last year! Granted, last year was a month ago, but still! Yeah I know I said something like "Loz, fe, and anime/Pokemon only, but I've been watching a CRAP ton of transformers lately, and I just gotta say: ideas come to you in the worst times. I'm over here trying to watch Age of Extinction and an idea hits me and I'm all "hey!" And then all "oh..." Cuz I'm in the middle of a movie so I can't work my magic. But, on from my suffering, let's enjoy this story! This one'll probably be a two parter, just sayin. If not, then it'll be really long!

The sound of metal against metal filled the air, the smell of grease spilling through all the workers noses.

It was a bright, sunny afternoon in Missouri, and the small car shop just off Route 66 was bustling, people coming in and out of the large metal doors with cars, parts, or cash.

The small shop only got this busy when spring hit, and it only lasted for a few weeks, so this was a prime time for the employees to work overtime for some extra cash.

That is, if they don't work overtime already, Summer thought, her face twisted up into a scowl. Her dad, Mr. Ron Alixa, owned the shop, and Summer, her brother Mason, and her best friend Aurora, were the only employees. Summer being the only one to work overtime.

Summer carried on grumbling to herself, the car she was currently working on having a very chatty owner.

"Sir, your stories are very interesting, but I'm trying to fix your car without having to go back and change the oil again, so could you please be quiet?"

The mans smile faltered for a second before he turned to talk to Mason, hurt flashing in his eyes. Summer spun around at the sound of her idiotic brothers voice, her eyes flaring with anger.

"And you! Quit sitting on your butt! I'm the only one who works around here anymore, and I don't get paid enough to do your job too! Plus, I'm tired of being the only one who has overtime! You need to start helping out, cuz I have a life too!"

Mason looked shocked from his baby sisters outburst at first, before he too was a hollering mess. Mason and Summer exploded into a heated argument, hands being thrown in the air, feet being stomped, and words being spit in the others face.

The long forgotten customer quietly slipped past the two bickering siblings, his fingers running over his keys, picking them up, before he started for his car. Just as he was in arms length of the black, rustic door, his elbow was caught in someone's grasp, his keys slipping from his grip.

"Now I know you aren't leaving without paying. My daughter happens to have the best hands in the business, and her work deserves a reward."

Panicked, the man shoved a roll of cash into the boss's hand before he picked his keys up and slammed his car door, speeding off down the road.

When the car was out of sight, Ron walked over to his children, clearing his throat.

"There are better times to have an argument than right now, you know."

Summer broke eye contact with Mason at the sound of her fathers voice, before she turned around, throwing her arms around her fathers shoulders.

"Daddy! Your home! How was your trip?" Summers eyes shone with excitement as she peered up at her father, her hands shaking in anticipation.

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