O n e h u n d r e d e l e v e n

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The sidelines

Sideline: to remove the center of attention and place in a less influential position.

Do you remember when it was just us?
The dates that were never called dates because we are "just friends"
Every movie, lunch, and breakfast dates
Every drive downtown
Every day trip to a tow we've never been before.
Everything we did and we remained just friends
We never had anything more
Which was crazy because I still felt like your girl even though I knew I wasn't actually your girl.

I didn't know it was possible to have my heart broken by you

Because we were just friends.

Everything was great for a while then one day he said "I really want you to meet my new girlfriend"

I smile and say "oh my gosh of course!"
But what I meant to say is "fuck I'm too late"

Later you will sit there and listen as the only girl in the group of your friends, listening to him brag about how his girlfriend gives good head.

Maybe if I didn't try to blend in so well he would've seen me

But he never did

And that shit hurts

I was such a good friend that I couldn't be anything more to him

Maybe he thought why risk the friendship

But now he puts me on the sidelines

It's harder to see him
And when I do she is always there

Don't get me wrong she is amazing
And she makes him so happy
I am happy for them

But I'm always going to wonder what if it was me?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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