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I swear his arms feel like home

When I'm in his arms I'm caught in the moment

Time stops

I've tried everything and nothing makes time stop like the way he does

Nothing makes me smile more than just looking into his eyes

And nothing makes me happier than being his almost.

We're not dating but damn it sure feels like it

He's not mine but just yesterday I caught my self calling him mine.

He is a beautiful human being that I thank the universe for letting him stop by in my life

This time I can't say "you caught me at a bad time in my life"

Because he didn't
"You caught me at a rather good time in my life"

Everything seems to be going well for me

Especially him

He's a blessing and he's just really great

He's got a lot of good in him

And he's really just something special
Love Always,
Niki xx

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