S e v e n t y n i n e

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I have found that if  you write when you're sad or falling in love. It's those times in you're life where you are either seeing and feeling everything for what it is or blindly going into something.

Falling in love is such a happy time, it feels....
It's breathtaking.
All of your time becomes consumed with thoughts of them.
You almost get high on happiness
You get almost addicted to how you're feeling. But it's only a matter of time before you come down from that high

But being sad, on the other hand, and I mean really low is when the truth of how you are truly feeling comes out.
Sometimes you're scared
Sometimes you push everyone away
Sometime you push yourself on others thinking they will take care of you
Sometimes you put yourself out there to be hurt and used

And the inbetween of these two is simple
You are happy not too happy but just happy enough.
Those are the normal days and what do you write about those?
Who wants to hear about how nothing went wrong and how it was a day just like every other

Love Always
Niki xx

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