E i g h t y s e v e n

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You not wanting me was the beginning of me wanting myself.
Thank you.

Thank you for showing me that a boy like you would never be able to care for me

That you were incapable of caring about me

But you lied like you've done it a million times before

I just don't understand how you can fall asleep at night night to me being fully aware that you were lying to my face

How can you lie to someone you care about?

You can't

Which means you didn't care

You never did

And all too often you forced the "I love you's"

Damn you were convincing

But that's the thing about love

People become blind

People become vulnerable

People open up and show you who they really are

And you took advantage of that

You got what you wanted and didn't care of the casualties along the way

And now

You're doing great..
More than great..

And I'm here still broken

Watching as you do the same thing all over again to another girl.

But thank you so much.

Because now I love myself than you ever would have

And now that I've opened my eyes, I see that you are the monster who destroyed the word love for me.

Love Always,
Niki xx

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