N i n e t e e n

120 2 0

Yes I miss him.

But not in the way you think.

I don't want to date him again, not for now at least.

I want him there as a friend.

To talk to me once in a while.

Ask me how I've been and tell me how he's been.

Maybe go for a walk
Or go to a movie
Drive around

Not a date.

Just as friends.

Because the love I once had for you,
You may not have back.

I gave you my everything and got next to nothing in return,

But that's okay because neither of us were ready for a relationship.

And maybe that's why it didn't work out.

But still I want you in my life.

At 11:11 I still close my eyes and wish for you, but now it's for a different reason.

Please, come in...stay for a while, I like it when you're here.

You make me happy.
Love Always,
Niki xx

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