One hundred three

18 1 0

I don't know why he cheated
He doesn't know why he cheated
I loved him and gave him everything but most importantly my trust.
It wasn't my fault
He had everything and chose someone else
He had me all of me
Everything was perfect
I fucking loved him
But sometimes love isn't enough
It wasn't about me and what I didn't have
It was about that moment when I wasn't there which was no fault of my own
It's nothing I did
It's nothing I did
It's nothing I did
It's nothing I did
God I wish I could believe that right now
Maybe one day I will
Soon I hope
I want to move on
I love him
I love him so much
I crave to be at his side
To sleep next to him
To hold him in my arms
It's not the same
"We accept the love we think we deserve"
I didn't deserve to be treated like that
He didn't deserve me
I wish him the best
And I hope he gets everything he deserves.
Love Always
Niki xx

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