E i g h t y t h r e e

42 2 0

Einstein once said: "Gravity won't be held responsible for people falling in love."

So if I fall in love with you, no one will ever be able to explain it...

And to me that's quite beautiful

You are quite beautiful

Your eyes refuse to stop shining

Your smile never fails to cheer me up

You are intelligent

You are quick with comebacks

Your laugh is contagious

You have so much to give the world

But I have so much I want to give you

So much I want to show you

So much love I want to focus on you

Of all the people in the world I had the privilege to meet you

The one and only of your kind

Even though no one can ever explain me falling in love with you,

I will anyway

Because loving you is something I feel really really good at.
Love Always,
Niki xx

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