F i f t y F o u r

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& I can't remember when I knew I was going to fall in love with him

But all I know is that I did

He's perfect in the way that he is indeed not a perfect individual

But that would all depend on who you would ask

If you'd ask me he's perfect

In every way imaginable

His hair is always perfectly in place

And he has the straightest teeth ever

Oh and that smile gets me every time

And his eyes...

It's like his eyes smile when they fall upon me

When he talks about things he enjoys he get almost like a spark in his eyes

And you should see the way he looks when he's about to tell you something really smart

You'd never know but my hair gets stuck in his glasses

His glasses make him so handsome

He's got muscles too, so be jealous

His hands I live to hold and play with

Hands tell the story

And he'll hold you real tight in his arms before you say goodbye

And the taste of his lips I pray I'll never forget

Those big soft lips

He is by far my favorite hand to hold
My favorite lips to kiss
My favorite shoulder to lay my head upon
My favorite arms to be in
My favorite everything

But the best is when he says his catch phrase "I need to put some Chapstick on"

He's just too cute

When I'm not with him that's all I want
Love Always,
Niki xx

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