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   I put her on bed and put the blanket up till her shoulders , she was still crying and shaking , I felt my heart shrinking not knowing what to do best to make her feel better , I felt the tears in my eyes and I couldn't help but cried . I get up from bed and went to the window , I took my head between my hands still crying , I felt so hopeless and especially helpless .

  " Corbyn I'm begging you please , take me out of here ! " . I heard Mari saying quietly from behind , I turned and saw her getting up from bed and came towards me . I stepped closer and she looked at me right in my eyes , her eyes were red from crying and all I can see in them is fear and sadness , I took her face between my hands .

" Hey ! , Don't worry sweetheart !! . I'm here nothing's gonna happen to you , and I'll do whatever I can to make you feel better " . I comfort her and left a small kiss on her lips .

" Corbyn , I can't stay here . Everything that happened is on replay on my mind and it doesn't stop , I just can't get this shit out of my brain , it's like a nightmare , and it's freaking me out !! " . She said quickly and worried .

" Okay , do you wanna go with Andy and Sonny and stay there for - ... " .

" NO !! . No , I - .. I don't wanna go there anymore ! " . She interrupted me and hold my hand like she's begging me to not send her there .

" Okay , okay !! . Stay in my room till I figure something out . wait here for me , I'll be right back , okay ! " . I tried to comfort her , I  kissed her and get out of my room .

  I got an idea of taking Mari somewhere else to stay , she doesn't want to go to Hogwarts and she doesn't want to stay here either , so I thought maybe I can rent an apartment not far from here for a little time and when she gets better I bring her back home , at least this is a simple solution to make her feel better soon because deep down I know that what happened to her wasn't any easier , and I know if she stayed here she may become sick Psychologically and I never want that to happen , so I'm renting an apartment for her .

I passed by her room and stepped in , I looked at the blood place and it was clean , I smiled at the thought of the boys cleaning up the room and went downstairs . They were sitting on the couch holding their phones , I stepped in and sat beside them .

" Thank you boys for cleaning the room instead of me , it's such a pleasure ! " . I smiled to them and they smiled back .

" Nah man ! , You're already doing enough for Mari and we appreciate how much you're taking care of her , she's our best friend ever but also she's a member of our family and seeing her having such a caring boyfriend like you makes us feel unsuspecting about her " . Andy said kindly and I smiled .

" And a jealous " . Sonny added holding his laugh looking at Andy and I was curious about it , I looked at them back and forth and raised an eyebrow .

" What- ... What do you mean ? " . I asked curiously and they started laughing and I was still looking at them confused .

" Well , Mari said that you're jealous of Andy being so close to her and that you thought she's in love with him or that there was something between them , well that made her laugh so hard because you didn't know that Andy is not that into girls " . Sonny said and Andy laughed .

" Yeah man ! , She's like my little sister " . Andy added and I felt so embarrassed , I felt my cheeks warmed and I know that I look totally red , I cleared my throat and looked at them .

" No , I - ... I didn't mean it , I - ... I was just wondering if - ... Well , shit ! " . I had nothing to argue with and I get embarrassed more than I was .

HARD { CORBYN BESSON WDW } [ EV ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt