chapter 1 the beginning

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You always hear stories about assassins but never know where they come from; It may have been a multi-realm thing.

I can't give you much information. Found in the wrong hands, it could end bloody.

His name is Creed, he was a part of a long unknown line of assassins. He was one of few modern-day assassins. His world changed about two years ago when he met Zio, and he was on the brink of losing everything, including his life. You can say that Zio came out of nowhere and said he's been watching Creed study him for a while. The only thing Creed could come up with was " you stalker" he grinned and said, " uh no, I hide in the shadows ooohhhh ok, now I see, and no, I'm not. I am getting old and need you to take my place." In astonishment, Creed looked at him and asked, "why me?" he then started to explain that he's been doing this for years and years and that it was taking a toll on him. That he needed to find a predecessor, and he chose me. So you see, that's when Zio made Creed a modern-day assassin; after a few years of extensive training, a lot of cuts and bruises," you're a fast learner Creed. Faster than the others I trained many years ago; you are now ready to take my place." Zio said.

Later that evening, Creed got his hidden blade and throwing knives. As Zio vanished into the shadows of the night, Creed packed what he had and set off to someplace, any place with four walls and a door. As the night passed, Creed heard howling "wolves!" He thought, " what the hell are wolves doing this close to what seems to be a small town" that's when he heard the sound of a gun being loaded, the howling getting louder. Walking up to a small clearing of a wooded area, Creed found a small glowing dark blue/red gem on the ground; he picked it up, and the gem disappeared into his blade. He hid behind a tree, looked around, and saw a hunter with his rifle pointed at the lone wolf.
Little did Creed know this was the alpha that was caught in a trap laid by these hunters. He looked around " one,two--- um seven hunters" he counted and had five throwing knives, threw one, a hunter went down, threw two, and another two went down. Creed had two more left " got to make these count as life is in danger," he thought. He threw the last two the other two went down. The hunter with the rifle looked around because he thought he heard something and saw that he and one other were left. He looked at the wolf " I'm not going to ask again where is your pack and where are my men?" Creed crept up behind the next hunter, blade out, and with one quick jab, the hunter went down; he then heard the wolf speak, " My pack is resting in the forest you see behind you; as for your men, I don't know."

"LIES" The last hunter yelled. Wolf spoke again after seeing Creed in the shadows of a tree, " You know you should really keep your voice down; you don't want to wake the pack!" Little too late, Creed looked beyond the trees behind the wolf and saw yellow eyes everywhere," If I'm going to save this wolf from being killed, I have to do it now, but I'm still a ways away from him, ah! forget it." Creed took off at a full run, hoping to disappear before the wolves knew what happened; he was coming up on the last hunter, blade out, and shoved it thru the hunter's side into the lung and dropped the hunter to the ground and hid. Creed waited for the wolf to leave but never did; instead, the wolf limped over to where Creed was. The wolf stopped just next to the tree Creed was at and asked," How could you have heard my call? You're not a wolf!"
He asked the wolf, " how can you talk your not a real wolf. What are you, a mythical wolf, one that transforms at full moon?" The wolf replied," Yes, yes I am, and I want to thank you for what you did back there; my name is Midnight wolf, and I'm the alpha!" Noticing that this wolf was much more relaxed and calmer than other wolves, Creed being a little outspoken but respectful, asked her, " What are you doing out this close to the town?" Midnight told him that she was looking for a gem and an amulet that was taken " I picked one up next to that tree over there, but it disappeared into my gauntlet. I apologise for doing so. Midnight nods "it's fine I think it'll be safer with you anyhow."

The Last Hybrids Realm (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum