Omen of Deluge

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"Omen says the aliens are here to help, not to hurt."



After talking to Doctor and Tails, Elvira was sure of one thing, the alien army could be mostly pacific, but they weren't dumb. It was her job to figure out what they're doing here.

It was another day at the army's HQ, everyone was busy taking care of alien info.

Tracking the aliens would be easy, they seemed to be going to Lakes, State. Skinny was making a plan for a special division to get there asap.

Daniel: Elvira! Elvira! Skinny arranged a meeting!

Elvira: Oh, ok, when?

Daniel: Right now, come on, hurry!

Elvira: What a rush, take it easy...

Daniel: You won't believe when you see it.

Elvira got curious about what Skinny had reserved for them. Let's see.


We got by Skinny's Room, me and Daniel. Lorodog and McKeen were also there. It looks like we're the team to get Runner.

Skinny: Daniel, you already know but others don't. I may advise you, this is top secret. We're the only ones to know this.

Elvira: And what is it?

Then he got his phone out and played an audio.

"Mr. Coast, I heard you want to talk. Very well, I am the Omen of Deluge. I'm the Ambassador of the Runner. He is currently busy with a major goal in your world, which should also be of your interest. Set a place up we can meet, I give you my word to take this like a gentleman. So please, while you keep your and your people's safety, try to keep mine. That's about it, alright? Peace."

Lorodog: That's a set-up, I'm sure of it.

McKeen: I know about the country's protocol, but this is really suspicious, Skinny.

Skinny: Hey, have you listened? WE will set the place, it can be anywhere.

Daniel: He really does want to talk.

Skinny: That's right, Daniel, I already sent a message back. We're gonna meet at an old underground bunker. We will bring the forces, and he will probably be outnumbered. But remember, we will act like diplomats.

Lorodog: General, is this really the right approach? Talking to the enemy?

Skinny: They're not the enemy until I say they are.

Elvira: What would they want to talk about?

Skinny: He said he's got a major goal with this invasion, we want to know what that is.

A meeting at a bunker, with the Omen of Deluge...

We packed up and went to the countryside of the kingdoms. The secret bunker was hidden under a hill near town. It looked like no one's been there since the war.


We entered the bunker, and our visitor was already there, by himself. He looked like an old swamp tree, he got a lot of creeper vines around him, which he could control. I'd describe him as a terrible boss of a horror game.

But we were in real life. And the boss wanted to talk. Just talk...

Just Skinny and him talked. We were merely listening.

Skinny: Peter Coast. Leader of the blue army. Defender of Tristana's Legacy. Welcome to the House Master's 12 1020.

Omen: It is a pleasure meeting a great leader like you. I am the Omen of Deluge. Son of Curtis. I represent the people of The ARK 51PB as an Ambassador, I'm here to talk.

Skinny: What are your purposes here?

Omen: It is your interest to know what we do seek here. We are looking for a multi-dimensional Demon. A demigod, something dangerous. Our leader, the Runner, is the only one that can defeat it using the power of our ancient goddess...

Skinny: We don't need your powers, House master can help us with his, if we please.

Omen: You actually do, we were contacted by a man, John Mason, as well as the Stealers Institute, in order to find and destroy this monster. We've been told you needed a special skillpower to do so.

Skinny: HAHAHA! This is a joke right.

Holy lord, what Omen says actually makes a lot of sense to me. We cannot deal with the monsters of our own world without destroying it.

Omen: I'm afraid the demon already has killed his target, Mr. Mason, but it seems to be a primal threat to your whole world, so I'm here, to offer our help.

Skinny: Listen, creeped tree, Mason wasn't killed by this thing. He was killed by another man! His name is Ethan Harris, and I can bring him to you If you want to hear how that happened.

Uh oh... Skinny doesn't know the true story about Ethan and Mason...

Omen: I'm not here to talk about the past. It's about the future. Our army is here, not to attack, we want to help the Runner. We will face the monster.

Skinny: What does the Institute has to do with this?

Omen: They built the device that contacted us, they also wanted to help confronting the Target.

Skinny: Target... I mean, all you said makes a lot of sense but... we just don't have a reason to believe in this! I mean, we could deal with an enemy like this if we had to!

No, we couldn't, Skinny...

Omen: If you don't, just kill Runner. He's at a ranch called the kingdom of the bags of tea. Him and the army are getting ready to fight this threat, which is possibly be located at the crystalline hills, near the sea. But you know what I'm talking about, right?

Skinny: Why do you tell me to kill your king?

Omen: He's not a king, and you cannot kill him. You can believe in what I'm telling you. Cause we're all on the same side here.

Skinny: I'm going to meet him, and we will talk, and the Institute too.

Wait, we're going to the source?

Skinny: And you will help us. Anything happen to our people, and you're to blame.

Omen: I cannot agree more. Happy doing business with you.

And we were told to leave. Omen left the bunker first. Skinny then spoke to us.

Skinny: The situation is under control, however. We need to move soon, there's a lot to be done.

McKeen: Skinny, I didn't get it. How are...

Skinny: Don't worry. I will clarify everything you didn't get.

Elvira didn't get everything but one thing was made clear. The aliens were summoned here to fight the one who killed Mason. It is an ancient powerful demigod we cannot deal with.

So, if the aliens were here to help, why would they attack us?

The Vicious 2: Alien InvasionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora