as time goes on, i'll always love you- peter parker (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Me too."

"Me three."

"Me four."

"Me five."

"You see what you started here, Barnes?" Sam stared at Bucky weirdly.

"Yup," Bucky nodded proudly, pumping his fist in the air, "Viva la revolucion!"

"My ship has sailed!" Bruce announced. "Hell yes!"

"Watch your language," Steve rolled his eyes, but you could see that he was smiling as well.

"I hate you guys so much," you sniffed, glaring at the team as you climbed out of the car.

"We love you too, Y/N," Wanda smiled.

"You kids are so in love with each other it's not even funny," Tony commented. "What's taking you so long to realize it?"

"Mark my words, guys," Clint looked between you and Peter, "you may not understand what we're trying to tell you now, but it'll all make sense in a year's time."


"Just you wait."

Present Day: May 5, 2019

"Happy nine-year friendiversary!" Peter knocked on your door loudly to wake you up.

You were immediately out of bed, sprinting to the door and throwing your arms around your best friend. "Happy nine-year friendiversary!"

"More like anniversary," Pietro snickered as he came up from behind him with an equally smug-looking Bucky and Wanda.

"Shut up," you muttered, smacking him upside the head.

"It's their nine-year anniversary," Bucky explained to Steve and the others upon seeing the confused expressions on their faces at yours and Peter's excitement.

"You've been together for nine years and you didn't tell me? Why didn't you say anything? You better have a good explanation as to why," Tony demanded.

"Friendiversary, Tony," you corrected him, trying to ignore your slowly reddening cheeks.

"Yeah, sure, friends," Sam scoffed. "Sure."

"Oh my god, this is a monumental moment. My little Y/N is blushing," Peter teased, nudging you in the shoulder, making you shoot daggers with your eyes at him. "Am I really that attractive?"

"You wish," you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.

You are, you said to yourself on the inside. If only you knew how I felt.

"Keep acting like this and I'm not giving you any extra cookies."

"You wouldn't dare!" you gasped, clutching a hand to your chest.

"Oh, I would," he smirked. "Admit it, I'm your favorite."

"Okay," you sighed, "you're my favorite, Pete."

"Awwww, she loves me," the grin on his face only widened, "see, I'm her favorite."

"I ship it," Sam wiggled his eyebrows up and down at the two of you. You let out a loud groan of frustration and flopped down onto the sofa, stuffing your face into a pillow.


After dinner, you quietly slipped outside, desperate to escape the team's embarrassing comments about you and Peter being a couple.

You were barely able to catch a glimpse of the sun as the last of it slipped below the horizon, covering the sky in darkness. The clouds blew in front of the stars as if they were dainty wisps of smoke and slivers of moonlight peeked through, touching down on every surface with a soft glow as you stood by the balcony and stared up at the night sky, with a gentle breeze fanning your hair around your shoulders.

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