Chapter 13: Aw Sugar

Start from the beginning

"Deal," he smiles, standing up. He reaches his hand down and I grab onto it. He pulls me up and I wipe the grass off my back. We get back into the cramped car and pull back onto the freeway.

We're not on the road long before we turn off and head into a convenience store.

We go in and he grabs a bag of sour cream and onion chips.

"But I don't want to get that kind!" I complain, picking up All Dressed chips.

"Why don't we get both?" He suggests. I nod and grab the bag of chips I want. I grab a chocolate bar and he grabs his own. He pays for all our stuff and we get back into the car.

I snack on chips while he drives and soon enough, he's turning off the freeway and into the parking lot of some snazzy hotel.

"Let's go check in to the hotel and drop off our shit then we'll go see Mikey, okay?" He suggests. I nod. I watch as Gerard goes up to the service desk and gets a room. He's leaning against the desk and his legs are crossed. He gets the key, untangles his legs and comes back over to me. He swings his arm over my shoulder and we walk towards the elevator. This is a really fucking expensive hotel. There are images sculpted into the elevator doors and the buttons are gold, probably fake gold, but still gold plated. The floors are painted with gold and red flowers and cherubs. The walls are tall and wallpaper coated. I look up and see amazing ornamented ceilings. The elevator beeps and we walk in. There is nobody else in the elevator and nobody coming in as the door closes. Gerard hits floor number 3 and we go up. The elevator ride is silent. When we get to our floor, the lights are dim and there are two possible directions we could go.

"Which way?" I ask. Gerard shrugs. We go left and look at the numbers.

"Which room?" I wonder.

"325," he replies. We keep walking and I notice the numbers are going up from 300 so we must be going the right way. We get to our door and Gerard slides a keycard into the slot on the door. It flashes green and unlocks. He pushes it open. The first thing I see when the door swings open is a couch with a bucket and some champagne.

"The question is, do we drink that now our later?" I smirk.

"We can have a glass now if you want," Gerard offers. I nod my head. I walk in and close the door behind us, locking it. I drop my bag and he drops his almost at the same time. He moves towards the couch and grabs the bucket and moves towards the little kitchen in the corner of the room. He opens a cupboard and pulls out two wine glasses. I didn't even know hotels had things in the rooms. It's like an apartment in here. He pours us each a glass and hands me one. I take a sip and close my eyes.

"This is good. This is really fucking good," I say. He laughs. I open my eyes and see Gerard reading a little note.

"Courtesy of my brother. He said we should enjoy out stay but that we have to be on time to meet him in two hours," Gerard reads and interprets.

"We have two hours..." I smirk.

"I straightened my hair, I am not fucking it up," he says.

"Whoever said we had to fuck it up?" I set my glass on the counter and sink to my knees in front of him. I rub him over his pants and he takes a deep breath. I unzip his pants and slide them down. I run my hands up his pale thighs and his body gets rigid.

"Relax, Sir," I smirk, looking up at him. He bites his lip and lets out a shaky sigh.

"You are such a bad, bad boy," he says.

"You act like I don't already know that," I smile. Delicately, I place my hands on the waistband of his boxers. I slide them down until they're around his ankles. I move my hands up his legs and grab onto his dick before I wrap my mouth around it. He lets out a low moan and leans his head back as I run my tongue over him, wetting him. I slide him deeper into my mouth and he puts a hand in my hair, giving it a gentle tug. I pull back a little and he thrusts into my mouth. Gently, I graze my teeth against him and he moans.

"Oh.. Frank..." He moans. He starts to breathe faster and when I swirl my tongue around him, he stops breathing momentarily. The breath gets hitched in his throat. He pushes further into my throat until it hits the back and he moans. How is he already so fucking close? I can feel it. I've only just begun. He gives my hair a tug as the minutes pass. Thrusting in and out of my mouth, doing a lot of work for himself. He's fucking my mouth and I'm not going to complain. He starts moaning louder and thrusting harder. He pulls my mouth off of him and comes all over my face.

"Sorry," he mumbles. I stand up and head to the bathroom. I wipe my face off on a towel. He joins me in the bathroom, rimming his eyes with eyeliner and brushing his hair down. He slides on a black jacket over his black shirt and tightens his red tie. He must've really liked when I lent him my clothes. We get back into the room and I grab a sweater out of my bag and we go. Time to get back on the road for a little bit.

We arrive at this concert venue and that's when it clicks in what's going on. We're coming to see Mikey perform, aren't we? Gerard whispers something to the security guard and he lets us in. I follow close behind Gerard as we make our way backstage. There are a bunch of people hanging around and Gerard is combing through everybody. All of a sudden his eyes light up as though he's found who he's looking for.

"Hey, Mikey!" Gerard shouts at a tall boy with awkward knees. The boy walks over to us. So this is the infamous Mikey i've heard about. He's hot and legal and kinda looks like Gerard but not quite. But most of all, he's hot.


A/N the next chapter is on private so if it's not showing up... That's why

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