Chapter 20 - Bumpy Ride

Start from the beginning

I sank into a deep sleep listening to that song, with the guy who made my heart melt sat right next to me.

When I woke up I found I had slept for seven hours, I never even thought I was that tired. Nathan was asleep and so were a few others around us. Max was doing, well I don’t even know, Siva was watching Star Wars with Nareesha and Martin was not surprisingly eating chocolate cake. I shook my head as I stood up, needing to stretch my legs after being there so long, I also needed the toilet so I thought there was no better time.

I walked there slowly there really was no rush, a guy got up from a seat nearby and headed in the same direction, I decided to race him after I really needed to go. He saw me walk faster and began to do the same, I looked behind me and he had gone, I was stumped as he had been there just a second ago. I reached for the door but a hand beat me and edged in the cubicle, it was the guy. He smirked and locked the door behind him, I rolled my eyes, he was one of those annoying guys that thought they could get everything and everyone they wanted.

What surprised me the most though was the fact he was also one of those snobby men in business suits I didn’t want to mess with earlier, he was really young to be a business man, he looked around the boys age (well all the boys except Nathan as he was the baby). It took a good five minutes until he finally walked out and that was due to my persistent knocking on the door as I really had to go, he came out as he went in, his face plastered in a smirk.

“Patience beautiful, anger gets you nowhere” he said crossing his arms over his pretty buff chest (even I could tell he had a good body under his shirt) I walked past him, skimming his shoulder as I took my turn to go the toilet. I locked the door and took my time as this time I really wasn’t in any rush.

After I refreshed myself I unlocked the door and began to walk back to my seat, only that didn’t happen. Instead a hand grabbed my arm and dragged me back into the cubicle; you can guess it was Mr Getsitall. “What do you want?” I asked snatching my arm back from him; he raised his eyebrow before once again crossing his arms over his chest.

“British and feisty, I like it” he said with his American twang, I backed up to the wall as he got closer; I wasn’t scared or intimidated by him, why should I when he was an idiot? “First of all you smell, bad, get some deodorant, and secondly I have a boyfriend so I don’t intend to be here much longer” I turned to the door and attempted to open it, I wasn’t surprised when he blocked my way and I ended up back where I started against a wall. Annoying thing was the toilet was out of sight to the passengers so they wouldn’t know I was in here, with him. I didn’t know his name but then I didn’t want to find out.

“So what’s your name beautiful?” he asked, I could have been in a worse situation, at least it wasn’t a middle aged man. “And why would I tell you that-“ I got cut off by his annoying voice “Dean, my names Dean” he smirked, I think his face was permanently stuck in mid smirk, it was one annoying expression.

“How interesting, look Dean if you don’t mind I would like to get back to my boyfriend and his band, so if you excuse me I will go, and I’m not even going to say it was nice to meet you because frankly it wasn’t” I tried to squeeze pass him but of course that didn’t work, he blocked the door once again.

“Got a rock star boyfriend have we, well I bet he wouldn’t like me doing this” before I could respond or either register what he said his wet lips were on mine, he tried to kiss me but I was having none of it. I tried to wriggle out but his hand were on either side of my head against the wall so I just stood there motionless counting on the fact he would stop in a minute so I could make a break for it. What I wasn’t counting on was the door opening and the person I would have least wanted to see stood there with a thousand emotions flicking across his face.

I took the interruption as a chance to make my escape and hit Dean across the face before running to catch up to Nathan, the good thing was we were on a plane so he couldn’t really avoid me. He went up to Michelle and asked if they could swap seats while he talked to Max but I knew full well that he didn’t plan on sitting next to me again for the rest of the journey.

Then the anger hit, how could an idiot I had only just met ruin everything for me? Nathan and I had just got together properly, I had just realized my true feelings for him and now that had all been torn away. I stood up ignoring Michelle’s questions and finding Dean, he was searching for something in his bag so I did the first thing that came to my mind. I picked up his glass of water and chucked it over him. This time I was the one with the smirk and surprisingly his had vanished and was replaced with a frown.

“What the-“ he began, I could see a hostess walking up to me but I wasn’t that bothered, I mean it wasn’t like they could throw me out since we were miles high. “Don’t think you didn’t deserve that” I turned on my heels and went back and sat next to Michelle who looked seriously confused, I noticed a few of the others had stopped what they were doing and were looking at me, including Nath and Big Kev.

“What was that about?” Michelle asked, I watched as Dean spoke with the hostess and she nodded with him, I pulled a face in his direction before answering.

“I went to the toilet and he followed me before pulling me in the cubicle and kissing me, I tried to get away but when he wouldn’t move I gave up and Nathan walked in, and that’s why he’s sat next to Max instead of me” I knew the others were listening in as they sat a bit too close to our seats leaning in. Before Michelle could respond the hostess turned to me.

“Excuse me Miss could you follow me please” she said as more of a statement than a question, I sighed and nodded standing up. She led me to the back of the first class area, a now soaking Dean smirked as I passed and being immature as I am I stuck my tongue out at him.

The hostess opened one door and walked through before opening another and over a hundred economy class passengers sat looking at me, I ignored their stares as we walked passed, I had no idea where we were going.

“Due to your behaviour we have moved you to economy class” she said pointing at a seat, I opened my mouth; surely she can’t do that right?

“You can’t do that, I paid for a first class seat, not economy and he’s the one that cornered me and kissed me when I tried to get away” I said in defence, I could tell she wasn’t going to budge with her decision.

“Well I’m afraid Dean Walters has to be one of the most sought after Lawyers in America and since you are not, his priorities have to come first” she turned her heels and walked away leaving me at the back of a plane on my own with five hours left, in one of the most uncomfortable seats I’ve ever sat in, and worst of all not knowing whether Nathan will forgive me.

A/N –I updated finally after the busiest week ever! I put a picture in the side of a doodle I painted really badly of what I thought Nathan’s terrible drawing of a bird would have looked like! It looks pretty bad right? And I’m sorry but I had to add drama! Hope you liked it! What do you thinks going to happen next? Comment, Vote, Fan S x

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