I Love You More

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This chapter is dedicated to Lil_Badger for the lovely idea behind this chapter. Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed! I apologize as it is very bad...
Thank you so much for your support!

"You smell nice," Regulus murmured sleepily into James's shoulder. "Your hair's soft as well." Regulus sighed deeply and mumbled, "You're comfy too."

Regulus felt James chuckle as he murmured, "You're very endearing when you're half-asleep, love."

"Mm," Regulus hummed. "I didn't sleep well last night."

"Nightmares?" James whispered softly and frowned when Regulus nodded, pulling him closer. "I've got you, love."

Regulus smiled to himself and nodded. "When will the others be back?"

"Not for a while," James whispered, threading his fingers through Regulus's soft hair. "Sleep, love."

Regulus hummed thoughtfully and soft silence ensued. Being silent must be awfully lonely as you have no one to talk to.

Regulus broke the silence by whispering, "What did I do to deserve you?"

"I think that's the questions I should be asking," James responded softly, kissing his head. "You deserve the world."

"I love you," Regulus mumbled, tilting his head to look at James.

James grinned. "I love you more."

"No, I love you more!"

James kissed his nose. "Nope, not possible."

"It is so possible!" Regulus insisted indignantly.

James chuckled and ruffled his hair. "I'm afraid it's not, my love."

Regulus wrinkled his nose. "I love you're more, Potter, admit it!"

"Never!" James sang in a sing-song voice with a laugh at Regulus's stubborn expression.

With a somber expression on his face, Regulus whispered, "I need you more than you need me, James..."

"Hey," James began gently, brushing a strand of dark hair out of his face, "I've got you, love. I am who I am because of you, Reg." He kissed the top of his head. "You've helped me more than you know."

Regulus couldn't help but smile softly, "But I still love you more!"

"Don't say that you love me more than I love you, Reg." James rubbed circles on his back as he talked. "Trust me, you're are my everything, my world. And I love you with all my heart."

A tear slipped down Regulus's face. "You-you mean that?" he whispered. "You re-really mean that?"

James tenderly wiped the tears. "Of course, I mean it, love. Please don't cry, Reg. Because if you cry I'm going to try and then we would both be crying and neither of us wants that!"

A small smile graced Regulus's face. "You're amazing, did you know that?"

James pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I absolutely love you."

Regulus wrinkled his nose. "I lo--"

"Don't say it!" James scolded, ruffling his hair much to Regulus's dismay.

"Oi--my hair!" Regulus scrambled away and smoothed out his hair.

James chuckled. "Your hair's fine!"

"Excuse me for not wanting to walk around looking like you!" Regulus retorted as he stood up to go to the bathroom and fix his hair.

"Oi! My hair's beautiful!" James pretends to pout.

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