[2] The Surprise That Led to The Unveiling of Everything

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Again written in 7th grade-


Regulus could hear James yelling after him, but he didn't stop running as the tears streamed freely down his face.

He was just glad that it was early enough that no one was out and about to witness him crying and tearing through the courtyard and up to the castle.

Ducking into the nearest empty classroom, he locked the door magically and slid to the floor as his throat constricted with sobs.

He then went ahead and put up a silencing charm so no one would hear him.

Consumed by a mixture of embarrassment, shame, anger, and self-loathing he sobbed harder and curl into a ball on the floor.

It was over. He ruined it all.

All his fault.

All his fault.

All his fault.

It was all his fault.

He ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Being with James set him free from the perils and darkness of his life.

He felt happy with he was with James.

True happiness...

And now he had ruined it.

"Regulus! Reg, stop!" James kept yelling at him as he scrambled to blow out the candles (he didn't want a forest fire on his hands, he was part of the woodland community after all!) and stand up to chase after him.

"Regulus! Please!" James tore after him and would've caught up if he hadn't have tripped over the root of a tree.

Cursing, he stumbled to his feet and kept running. Adrenaline allowing him to avoid the pain of his twisted ankle.

He watched Regulus disappear into Hogwarts and bolted up the stairs two at a time as he rushed after him, still calling his name.

James skidded to a halt in the hallway before the double doors that led to the Great Hall.

Where did he go?

Gasping for breath, he fumbled to grab the Marauders' Map (he always made sure to take it with him when he was meeting up with Regulus).

His eyes frantically scanned the many halls and rooms for his boyfriend's name. They finally landed on Regulus's name in an empty classroom up ahead and to the left.

James took a deep breath and walked over to the door of the classroom.

Eyes adjusting to the dimly lit hallway, he pulled the door open.

It didn't budge.

That little arsehole locked it!

"Reg, love, open the door." When he got no response he sighed and tried again. "Regulus, please!"


"I'm so going to get in trouble for this," he muttered under his breath. "And it won't even be for a prank!"

James readied his wand and called out, "Regulus, I'm coming in whether you want me to or not!"

[In retrospect, the best thing James could have done in this situation was give Regulus some space and sought after him later...not blow open the door...But James Potter was the stereotypical Gryffindor when it came to matters of the heart. He would do anything for those he loved and he would protect them at all costs. And to him, Regulus was someone he loved in need of protection.]

When he didn't get an answer, he lifted his wand and proceeded to simultaneously blast the door open orally and wordlessly cast a protection spell so Regulus wouldn't get hurt by the force of the blast.

James quickly walked into the room, ignoring the exhaustion he felt after casting two spells at once and the pain of twisting his ankle.

He spotted the shaking, curled up form of Regulus and ran over to him, instantly pulling the sobbing boy into his arms.

"Love, love, hey, hey, hey, you're okay," he soothed, rubbing circles on his back.

Regulus squirmed to get out of his embrace, ashamed to be seen this weak and broken.

It hurt James to see Regulus like this. "Love, you're okay. It's okay."

"But it's not!" Regulus croaked out, voice thick with emotion and raw from crying.

"And why is that? I'm here, aren't I?" James whispered, smiling slightly when he felt Regulus melt into the embrace. James leaned against the wall and allowed him to curl onto his lap and settle his head into James's chest. "Why'd you run?"

"B-Because I ruined it all..." Regulus mumbled through the tears.

"What? By saying you love me?"

Regulus stiffened in his arms.

"Look at me, love..."

Frowning, James gently tilted Regulus's face towards him and wiped at his tears. "Isn't that what you were trying to say? That you think you're in love with me?"

Slowly, Regulus nodded, casting his eyes away from James, terrified to see his reaction.

James couldn't help but grin as he whispered, "Good. 'Cause I love you, too, Regulus." He laughed as tears of his own streamed slowly down his face.

Regulus sat there, rooted in shock as he slowly looked back over at James. "W-why are y-you cry-crying?"

James just shrugged and kissed his forehead. "I'm happy...They're happy tears..."

Regulus furrowed his eyebrows and James laughed, kissing Regulus's forehead again.


At the confused look on his face, James chuckled and hugged him tighter. "I fucking love you, Regulus Black. Merlin, it feels good to say that..."

Regulus let out a hysterical laugh and snuggled into his chest. "You mean it?"

"One hundred percent, my love. One hundred percent."

Regulus buried the seed of doubt that James was lying deep within his mind and allowed himself this fleeting moment of bliss that he was safe and loved in James's warm arms.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this! Thank you so much for taking the time to vote and comment! I know I'm not the best at writing and I'm not even that good at it but I hope to be one day...Anway, thank you so much! Hope you enjoyed!

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