[1] The Surprise That Led to The Unveiling of Everything

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I wrote this in 7th grade pls be nice-
I'm planning on editing it-
Yeah I didn't edit it-


"Come on, Regulus," a boy with dark, messy hair called out in a whisper.

The boy named Regulus replied, "It's too early for this!" He paused before adding, "Please tell me you're not dragging me into a prank, James."

James merely rolled his eyes. "Trust me, you'll enjoy it." Well, he really hoped Regulus would enjoy it. He had been planning it for weeks, wanting it to be perfect.

Sure they had gone on a few dates here and there over the year they'd been secretly together. Normally, they met up in an empty classroom and spent a few hours talking. No one knew about their relationship. No one could ever know either.

James desperately wanted to tell Sirius but Regulus was scared to.

Understandably scared to.

Being different in the wizarding world as they were meant looks of disgust, isolation, beatings, and so many more awful things they didn't even want to think about.

Dating a member of the same sex was unheard of. It was seemingly nonexistent, abnormal, disgusting even.

It was against the law.

If anyone reported them, they could be sent to Azkaban. Without a trial even.

Nerves tingled throughout both of them as they made their way down the grounds of Hogwarts.

"James," Regulus whispered as they got closer to the Forbidden Forest, "you're crazy if you think I'm going in there at three in the morning."

James stopped and turned to the younger boy. "Love, I'm not that stupid to have a date in the Forbidden Forest."

Regulus narrowed his eyes in disbelief but smiled nonetheless.

"Come on!" James laced their hands together and led him to a grassy slope.

On the ground laid a blanket with a lavish looking breakfast sitting on it. Plates and silverware were set in two spots for the unlikely couple.

Smiling nervously, James watched Regulus's face as he took in the picnic with the background of grandeur trees, colourful flowers, and the soft rising of the sun.

Regulus's eyes widened in awe and he slowly turned to James. "James..." he trailed off in a breathless whisper.

"D-Do you like it?"

Did James fucking Potter just stutter?

Regulus nodded as tears formed and he pulled James into a hug. "I love it," he whispered.

James smiled in relief as he hugged him back. Sniffling, Regulus pulled away and turned to dry his eyes. He hated that he got this emotional so easily. He didn't want James to think he was weak.

But James merely pulled him so they were facing and dried his tears. "Hope you like pancakes," he whispered with a laugh.

Regulus chuckled and shook his head fondly. Grinning widenly now, James kissed his cheek and they both sat down.

They talked about various things as they ate and eventually the meal came to an end.

"James...this was...amazing," Regulus said when he was done.

James smiled and scooted closer to him, sliding an arm around him. "Really?"

Regulus leaned against him, resting his head on James's shoulder. "No one's ever done anything like this for me before."

James kissed his head and murmured, "I would do anything for you."

It was now or never. Regulus took a deep breath and nervously whispered in a soft voice, "I-I think--I think--I love--"

A strangled noise came from his throat as he scrambled to his feet and took off running.

"Regulus! Regulus! Stop!" James called after him.

But it was no use.

So there will definitely be a part two to this with fluff. I just really like cliffhangers!


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for all the reads and votes! It means a lot!

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