One Kiss Is All It Takes

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This one's weird...

"Sirius!" James whined, flopping dramatically onto his own bed.

"Yes, Prongs?" Sirius responded with an eyeroll.

As if obvious, he responded, "I need advice!"

"With?" Sirius promoted him.

"Love! Kissing advice! I don't know!" He sighed.

Sirius smirked. "She won't kiss you will she, mate?"

"Well, no..." came the sour response. "But I'm not talking about that!"

"Then what exactly do you want me to do?"

There was silence for a few minutes before James suddenly had an ephiny and yelled, "Tell me if I'm a good kisser!"

"Excuse me?" Sirius asked, sitting up on his bed and looking over at him incredulously.

What that, James got up and nodded. "And I'll tell you with a good kisser!"

"Wait, wait, wait! You're actually wanting to do this?"

"Duh!" He rolled his eyes. "Just a quick peck! You've kissed loads of girls!"

Remus snorted at that.

Ignoring Remus, James begged, "Please!?"

Before Sirius could respond or James could beg more, Remus snickered and said, "Come on, Sirius! Help the poor sod out!"

Sirius narrowed his eyes at Remus. Just what exactly was his boyfriend planning? "Fine. Fine!" He got up and walked over to James with a scowl. "Short peck only!"

"Yeah, yeah! I'm not gay!" If only that were the truth. In all honesty, he didn't know what he was. He was just...scared. Understandably scared. Maybe this would help him find out?

Sighing, he pulled James into a short kiss.

"Damn..." was all James had to say as colour flushed to his cheeks.


Remus snorted.

"What do you mean by 'eh'?" James's voice had risen an octave.

Rolling his eyes, Sirius immediately responded, not thinking about what he was saying, "Just that that was nothing compared to Moony's kisses. Sorry ma--shit, I-I meant--"

"WHAT DO YOU BLOODY MEAN MOONY'S A BETTER KISSER THAN ME!? I AM OBVIOUSLY THE GREATEST KISSER EVER!" He paused for a moment to breathe before adding, "Oh, yeah, congrats on actually finding someone, mate. And you too, Moony. BUT HOW DARE YOU!?"

Sirius just stared at him, wide-eyed and pale. Remus frowned and put a hand on his arm, squeezing gently.

"Sirius? Earth to Sirius..." James frowned, concerned. "Wait..." he said when it finally dawned on him. "You think I'm disgusted or something, right?"

Sirius could only nod.

James chuckled. "Sirius, I've figured you were gay since about fourth, fifth year, mate. We're best friends--I know you better than I know myself. Remus on the other hand, I didn't know..." He sighed. Not that either of them knew this, but he would be a hypocrite and just a downright horrible person if he didn't accept them. If only they knew just who James thought he fancied. It most certainly was no longer Lily. Not that he stopped going after her. If he did that they most certainly would know something was wrong if he did that.

Sirius smiled weakly when Remus slid an arm around his waist. How was Remus so calm about this? He was the one that always freaked out about the others finding out.

"I know, James," Remus whispered, "and I get it. I do."

Sirius frowned, confused.

James only raised a brow in mock ignorance.

"I'm no idiot. We're your best friends." Remus took a step forward and squeezed his arm in reassurance.

James stomach plummeted. He definitely knew. He paled and gulped nervously.

Remus continued, "It'd be hypocritical of us to judge you or hate you for it."

James could only nod, still shocked.

"Wait..." Sirius said. "I'm-I'm confused. What's wrong, James?"

James admitted in a whisper, "I-I think I'm-I'm not...straight per se..."

Remus smiled and pulled the slightly shorter, shaking boy into a hug. "It's okay, James.

Sirius smiled and clapped him on the back as Remus pulled away. "So, Prongsie Boy, who's the lucky lad?"

James gulped and mumbled, "No one..."

"Aw, come on, Prongsie!"

Remus laughed. "You're an idiot, Sirius."

James shook his head and ran out crying silently. Sirius was going to hate him. His parents were. Everyone would if they found out he fancied Regulus Black.

But they never would.

"James!" Sirius yelled after him in concern, staring forward. Remus placed a hand on his arm, stopping him.

"Let him go..." the tawny haired boy whispered. "Let him go..."

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