Nose Licking and Pillow Fights

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[A/N]: Pretty much pure fluff...

The couple lay entwined on the bed. Soft puffs of breath filled the quiet air as they slept.

Sunlight gently streamed through the window and through the cracks in the curtain, signaling morning.

The younger of the pair shifted in the bed, burrowing his face in the other's chest while the other held him closer.

A few minutes past as both boys tried to ignore the light of morning for a few more moments of blissful sleep.

A sigh broke the silence and the younger boy mumbled, "James, we need to get up."

"Shush and go back to sleep," James grumbled, snuggling closer.

"James," he scolded, "you have to get back to the dorm so Sirius doesn't think something's up. You know I'm not ready for him to find out..."

James huffed in fake annoyance and opened his eyes. "Poopy butt."

At that, Regulus's eyebrow raised. "Excuse me?"

James merely stuck out his tongue and smiled at him as he tried not to laugh.

"It's not funny!" Regulus cried, trying not to laugh himself. He eventually gave into the laughter and rolled his eyes fondly. "You're an idiot, James."

"Mm, but I'm your idiot, Reg." James smiled and pecked his cheek.

"That you are," Regulus whispered, pulling his lips onto his own.

Smiling into the kiss, James brought a hand and strung it through Regulus's soft hair.

They pulled away and rested their foreheads together, eyes closed, and breathing slowed and relaxed.

When Regulus went to pull away, James mumbled, "Wait, don't pull away...not yet."

Regulus couldn't help but smile and he pecked his lips. "Okay," he whispered back.

Smirking, James suddenly licked a stripe up Regulus's nose, making Regulus jerk away and fall off the bed with a dull thump.

Laughing, James rolled so his head was hanging off and he was looking down at Regulus.

Eyes wide, Regulus wiped his nose with his sleeve and sputtered, "D-Did you just...Did you just--did you just fucking l-lick me?"

At that, James laughed harder and nodded.

"Oh, you little shit!" Regulus muttured, launching himself at James.

Shrieking, James rolled out of the way only for Regulus to pin him down.

Laughter filled the room as Regulus began to tickle his writhing boyfriend.

Both boys were laughing uncontrollably now as James was trying to escape Regulus and Regulus was trying to tickle James.

James launghed himself off the bed and started running. Regulus, of course, chased after him calling out, "Get back here, you little shit!"

Which only served to make James laugh more as he taunted the younger boy. James got back to the bed and grabbed a pillow. He smacked Regulus with it when he came after him and threw him a pillow of his own.

Regulus couldn't help but grin as they proceeded to have a pillow fight. Feathers flying, laughter cascading, grunts from the impact of the pillows, and smiles filled the room with a happiness foreign to Regulus.

With James he felt free. He felt happy. But most of all, he felt loved.

Exhausted, both boys agreed to a cease fire and fell onto the bed.

James turned his head to look at his boyfriend as Regulus turned to look at him. "I love you, you know?"

Grinning, Regulus nodded and whispered, "I love you, too, you know?"

James nodded and kissed his forehead.

Regulus sighed and said, "But we really should go."

James nodded. "I'll see you later?"


James sat up with Regulus and pulled him into a hug.

Smiling, they both exited the Room of Requirement one at a time, and went on with their day.

[A/N]: So Hufflepuff365 wanted fluff so I wrote fluff.

I hope you enjoyed and as always feel free to give me suggestions.

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