He held her hands as he said a lot of du'as for her. Her hand felt warm.

"You have to wake up Airah. We cannot take it. " he said as he kissed her forehead. He walked out closing the door shut behind him.

"Abba it's getting late. We should go now. "

"Kabeer I think I'll stay today. I'll relieve Hajiya today. "

They got Mamy and Kabeer left with Deedee. Amal had left earlier as instructed by Abba. They had not seen Areef since earlier so Abba assumed he left too.  He went to the masjid to catch some sleep before he wakes up to observe his qiyamul Lail.


"Miss Ahmad! What the hell is this? Are you sure you went to school at all? " His voice boomed as she lowered he head and fidgetted with her fingers. Before she could make out anything again the image blanked.

"Miss Ahmad! " she heard again and she was quick to turn around. She couldn't make out his face as everything was cloudy and foggy.

She tentatively reached out her hands but the image floated away again.

She was all alone again in sort of dark room or space as it was completely dark except for the images of that man that came and go.

Where was she? She thought as she felt tears begin to gather at the side of her eyes.

"Miss Ahmad! Watch where you are going dammit! " The voiced boomed again and she swirled again looking for the source of the voice. She didn't see anyone. Not a single floating image.

She felt like screaming at the top of her lungs. What was happening. Is she dreaming? She must be.

She began to recite some du'as for nightmare Hoping to wake up or Atleast sleep peacefully.

"Please wake up....... Please. I need you. " another voice came but she couldn't find the source again.

Wake up
Wake up
wake up..

She kept on chanting to herself until she began hearing some sounds again. She listened but could not make out the sound. It sounded like beeps from an alarm.

Did Ummee put another alarm on her bedside table?

She never been more grateful for an alarm ring. She needed to wake up from that horrible nightmare.

She tried moving her hand to mute it but surprisingly she couldn't only a couple of her fingers moved . She tried again but same thing happened.

What's happening? She thought. She couldn't define her situation. She heard footsteps and was glad someone was here to help her. But then she heard the footsteps retreating.

"Ummee?" she called out but her voice was very hoarse and husky plus her throat hurt and felt very dry.

Soon she heard hurried footsteps and some commotion.

Someone was by her side.

"Airah! Airah! Airah! Can you hear me? If you can,can open your eyes?"

Of course she could but her eyes felt very heavy. But she put in a little more effort. And the first ray of light hit her pupils and she quickly shut the eyes. What was going on?  She was very confused.

"Good Airah, take your time to adjust to the light. I'm holding your hand, left hand. Can you squeeze it? "

She tried and sure enough she felt someone's hands in hers. She did as she was told.

Soon her eyeslids were forced open and a flashlight was aimed at her eyes. The light stung her eyes but she couldn't shut them.

She saw a man with white coat put off the light and was asking her some questions again. "Can you tell me your full name?"

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