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Hey y'all,

It's been a hot minute since I've uploaded anything onto Wattpad.
Since posting this in 2015, I've grown a lot as a person and have realised many things that 14 year old me did not.

All in all, this message is just here for me to say to you that if u ever need to talk to someone about anything at all, don't be afraid to message me.
We may not know each other as well as we would like but I've got ur back.
There are a few heavy topics mentioned in this story that I completely forgot about writing, it makes me sad seeing so many of you relate to it and just :'(( yea. I'm here for u all, so please don't ever be afraid to message me if you need to.

Lots of love,
Marci <3

P.s, I used to go by Mitch, but I do not anymore.

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