CHAPTER 1: Three weeks Earlier

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I can't believe I ever even agreed to going to this high school party. I really wish I didn't take my cousin, Gorton's advice in going to this thing but, that's just how he is.

He's very outgoing and everybody loves him and happens to be one of the most popular guys in high school and had come to live with us while his parents were gone away on a business trip and decided to have him come here instead of leaving him all alone.

Which it's not too much different from my parents as they too are gone ninety-eight percent of the time for their jobs.

Which it isn't so bad by far because we are the same age, we grew up together and are like best friends and is practically a brother to me as well. Plus, even though the popular kids at school hate me, they don't mess with me when he's around.

Yesterday was no different as he volunteered me to go with him to a party that one of the popular girls said they were throwing. I'm not one that likes parties but I guess I could, since he's going.

After arriving I took a look around and felt real nervous as everybody was staring at me and thinking why I was here.

Then Gorton came up to me and put his arm over my shoulder as we headed inside.

From the time we walked up to the house and all through walking around the house, everybody greeted him and ignored me.

He then grabbed me a drink and I have never drank before but he insisted that it would loosen me up and maybe give me a little more courage but just keep track of how much I'm drinking and make sure never to accept a drink from anybody else but him.

So for a while we drank, danced and overall had a good time. He was even making sure I was in any conversation he was in as well.

Then during halfway through the party, I needed to use the restroom. So after noticing the one downstairs was occupied, I made my way upstairs and the only one I found up there that was available was one in somebody's bathroom.

When I finished, I opened up the door and was startled when I noticed a smirking at none other than the popular bad boy, Kolesen, standing at the edge of his bed facing me.

"Holy crap." As I say as I jump back a little bit.

"Are you lost?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"Uh, no, I just needed to use the bathroom and this was the only one available." I tell him nervously.

"Hmm." He says as he starts eyeing me up and down. "You know, I'm glad you're here." He starts to say while walking towards me.

"W-why?" I ask nervously while backing up until I hit the wall and he puts his hand on the side of my face against the wall.

"Because there's something I've been wanting to tell you." He says while leaning in closer to where I can feel his breath against my lips.

"What is that?" I ask.

"I've liked you for a while now and I know I haven't treated you the way I should but, I really do like you." He says under his breath while looking at my lips.

Maybe it's the alcohol talking mixed with the fact I have had a crush on him for a while, despite the way he has always bullied me, but I grab his face and lean in and smash my lips onto his.

He starts to moan against my lips before taking my hand and taking me towards the bed where he laya on top of me onto the bed and looks into my eyes.

"I want you so bad." He says.

"I want you too." I moan in his ear.

My god his hands and lips feel so amazing.

He takes off his shirt and tosses it onto the floor then we both remove the rest of our clothes and he takes out a condom from the inn table and tears the pack opened with his teeth before rolling it on and then looking into my eyes.

"Is this is your first time?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I nod.

"I promise I'll go slow." He says right as I feel his tip at my entrance before I feel him enter inch by inch at a time slowly inside of me.

It hurt for a little bit but then went away after a while which was when he started picking up his pace and pleasure was what filled me up.

I couldn't believe I was doing this but on the other hand, it felt like a good idea at the time. Besides, we used protection at least.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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