oops, i think i caught feelings- steve rogers

Start from the beginning

"What exactly are you trying to tell me, Buck?" you sighed tiredly as you leaned against your doorframe.

"Fast forward to tomorrow morning and all you'll be able to think about is him. You won't realize how much you're going to miss his presence until you're apart on the mission."


"See you in the morning, Y/N. Night."

"See you. Goodnight."

You let out another sigh and lazily changed into sweats and a tank top, crawling into bed and closing your eyes.

You still didn't realize how true his words were going to turn out to be until later on, though.

We're always around each other, I'm sure I can handle a little time away from him, you reassured yourself as you drifted off to sleep.


"Y/N? You ready to go?" you heard Wanda knock on your door the next morning, and when you didn't answer, she simply came in on her own. "We're leaving in a bit."

"Hm? Yeah, just give me a sec," you yawned and rubbed your eyes, getting up and quickly changing into your suit before coming back out.

Once you were ready, the two of you walked out to the hangar bay together and boarded the Quinjet, taking your respective seats.

You caught Steve's eye and he gave you a small smile, which you returned.

The ride over to the base was mostly silent; you were just focusing on the touchscreen in your hands, swiping left and zooming in on the map, adding annotations of your own as you analyzed the blueprint of the base.

Soon enough, the Quinjet was hovering over the drop zone. And before you could change your mind or develop any second thoughts about it, you tenatively stepped over towards Steve as everyone began to stand up and make their way over to the back gates.

Your heart was pounding as you made your way over to him, and you didn't know whether it was out of fear or plain nervousness from being so close to him again.

"Steve," you said quietly, looking at him then looking back down.

Steve didn't say anything, and simply took your hand in his in response and laced your fingers together, giving you a reassuring squeeze.

He hesitated in the beginning, then cupped your face in his hands and for a moment, you closed your eyes and let yourself lean into his touch, briefly resting your forehead against his before pulling apart.

"Good luck," you whispered. "Go kick some butt."

"Stay safe," he smiled softly, "and try not to die."

"I'll try," you cracked a small grin, adjusting your parachute and jumping out the back with Clint and Natasha. "As long as you do the same."

"You've got it bad, don't you," Sam sighed as he watched his best friend look at you smoothly glide down towards the base with your group.


"You love her so much, it's not even funny."

"We're just friends, Sam," Steve sighed, running a hand over his face before attaching his shield to his back and putting his parachute on.

"Mhmmm..." he hummed, "sure, that's what they all say."


"Steve?" you pressed your earpiece on. "Status update?"

"I'm okay," he replied, and you heard him flinging his shield forward, which made a metallic clang sound as it bounced off the wall and hit its targets, "and you?"

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now