Re: "Atheists Worship the Devil!"

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This is something I hear really often, and have been accused of many times, especially adding my artistic (music, books) tastes.


Now, if you look up the definition of the word 'Atheism', here's what you'll more or less get ;



the doctrine or belief that there is no god.

disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.



Got that? Good. It would appear we agree on that part.



Christians, and any religion really, believe that there is a god and the evil he is fighting against/protecting 'us' from. The devil is god's enemy - one cannot really exist without the other. Christians believe that both exist, and decide to side with god. Satanists believe that both exist and decide to side with the devil (that's the basic idea - there are many variations of Satanism, but I won't get into that now).



And as stated above, an Atheist is a non-believer - a person who doesn't believe in god. And how can you believe in the devil if you do not believe in his enemy - god?


Really, dear believers, this is as simple as it gets ; to us Atheists, there is no god, no devil - no 'supreme beings'. When you state than an Atheist is worshipping Satan, you're not as much offending him/her but more rather showing ignorance and lack of knowledge.



But I really can't help and wonder ; where's it coming from? Every believer should know what the word 'Atheist' means, so why do they accuse us of worshipping Satan if they should know that we don't believe that he exists?



I've asked many theists this question, and I've yet to receive an answer. I myself can't answer the question because, losing my religion at the young age of around 10, I never really thought about it. To me, there were people that believe in god and those that didn't - I had no idea anyone worshipped the devil, and I certainly didn't accuse non-believers of it.



Maybe it's because theists think us evil an/or lost? But that, again, would mean that they don't see the line between an Atheist and a Satanist -they consider both those groups either evil or lost (or 'misguided'). But... maybe because they think the same think about both those groups, maybe they find it hard to see the difference?



I decide to take the risk and ask my father - a very, very strict person when it comes to religion - and questioned why do so many theists think Atheists worship the devil. His answer didn't help - he simply didn't know, and said he doesn't understand it neither.



So, maybe theists don't exactly have a reason to believe that? Maybe they just decided they want to believe that myth?



Seeing the amount of possibilities, here's my theory - the views are mixed. Some theists believe that because they hate Atheists, some because they don't see the difference between Satanism and Atheism, others maybe don't know the exact definition of 'Atheism'.



With that said - of course, there are theists that don't believe that ugly lie, that know who Atheists are. They know that we don't burn animals, eat babies, draw pentagrams and worship the devil - simple because we doubt his existence. In fact, I dare guess that more than a half of theists (or at least Christians) know what an Atheist is and use the term correctly.



I hope that as time progresses and Atheism grows in popularity, I will no longer be accused of eating newborns and sacrificing animals and virgins. Because, frankly, I doubt even Satanists do that.



Mind of the AtheistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon