'Coming Out'

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Despite what you may think, this chapter'll be quite short. Likely shorter than all the other chapters. I never exactly 'came out' to either my friends or my family.

I don't really have many friends - never had - and the ones that I do have are either Atheist or Agnostic. At my age, most people don't really think about religion and when asked about it they either say 'I don't know' or 'I don't care' - or something along these lines.

I think they kind of found out or discovered themselves when they noticed I gradually stopped kneeling or saying anything while in the church (and as I mentioned before, schools here love taking us there) and no longer prayed at the school assembly (yep - we actually still have that).

As for my family... It's not all that different, actually. Religion never really played an important part in our lives, even though my dad is quite a religious man. But he treats religion more personally ; he doesn't go to the church or have crosses around the house, but he sure as hell does believe.

I don't think I ever really came out to him. What happened really was that we were having one of our regular arguments. Ever since I started questioning by religion, we tended to have arguments about our views on various subjects, like abortion or gay marriage, and they always came down to religion. Yet, he never really caught on that I was officially an Atheist until during one of our arguments I kind of broke and shouted a clarification of my Atheism (don't ask what it was exactly, I can't remember).

Needless to say, I had hell in the house for the next week or so, but eventually it all died down. We still have our arguments, but more rarely and they're far less... loud, since I really try to avoid them.

I don't think he truly ever accepted it. To me, it seems like he doesn't treat it seriously because he thinks I'm just being a 'rebeleus teen' and that it's just a phase. While it slightly offends me and is stupid as hell - let him be. He can believe whatever he wants, as long as we leave the subject alone. He'll realize he's wrong when I grow up anyway.

As for the rest of my family, though they're all Christians, they're not fundamentalists. My brother is the only one who knows besides my father, and he doesn't mind ; he says that it's my life and my decision, none of anybody's business. I'm grateful to him for that. The rest of the family doesn't know, and probably won't - I barely keep any contact with them anyway (I think I already mentioned somewhere that my family is mighty messed up).

So, I think that does it. Apologies for it being shorter than usual, but that's really all there is to the matter. I'll see ye guys next week. Hope you had a great Christmas (feel free to show off your goodies below) and that we're all in for a good New Year.

My general opinion book, 'Daily Bullshit', is in the writing - the first chapters covering already known and almost 'gone' issues - and will be out on the first day of 2015. I also have a book (-ish type of material) coming, that shall be filled with me being inspiring and thoughtful as shit (in other words - a book of Quotes by Yours Truly).

Hope you enjoy both as much as you seem to this one :)

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