My Questions To : Christians

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In this chapter I shall collect my questions specifically for Christians. There will be other chapters with questions for other religions. Feel free to answer them according to your views/beliefs in the comment section.

Some questions will appear in more than one chapter(s).

All those chapters will often be (re-)updated, so you might want to check this again from time to time.

#1.How many of you actually read the Bible, or at least a greater number of snippets of texts?

#2. If god wanted us to believe in him, why did he give us the ability to reason and question?

#3. What are your opinions on 'God's Not Dead'?

#4. Why do you keep ignoring and breaking the following rules actually mentioned in your Bible?

Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. ~Leviticus 19:19

Whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. ~Matthew 5:32, 19:9 & Luke 16:18

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak ~1 Corinthians 14:34

+ Many more.

4. Why are you (most of you) against gay marriage? (well, I kind of do know the answer, but it's so ridiculous that I just need someone to confirm it)

5. Why do you (again, not all, but many) want the state to be ruled over according to religious rights? Why are you against the separation of the two?

6. Do you not feel guilty about the fact that so much money goes to impressive churches and bassilicas, even though you're supposed to be humble and give money to charity?

7. Refering to question 5 - what's your opinion on the many passages mentioning that if a man rapes a virgin, he has to marry her?

8. Why are you reading this book (I'm legitimately ccurious - what do you expect do bring out of it? What do you wish to find out by reading it?)

9. 'Shock of God'?

10. Why do you call your god 'all loving', even though the Bible is just bursting with the disgusting things god did? Satan killed one family (of approx.10). God killed countless humans and animals.

11. Do you realy believe that Earth is between 6 and 7,000 years old?

12. The argument between creationists and pro-evolutionists has been going on for literally ages. Even though the Pope tried to draw a line on it, saying that existence of god doesn't stop revolution from being fact, the argument still continues on. Opinions?


More questions likely to come soon.

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