Ask#3 : "What is your theory on the creation of the world?"

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A private message asks : What is your theory on the creation of the world?

I ask : What world - which one?

Well, if you mean the universe - including our home planet - then I go by the popular scientific theory of the Big Bang. Where an explosion of an enormous scale is said to have been the real creator of all the planets, galaxies etc.

If you mean humanity - I go by the evolution theory. In fact, while I do have some doubt-ish feeling about the Big Bang (more about those later on), evolution is one of those things I've very little doubt about. It seems to be the most logical, and there is plenty of evidence to support it.

Back to those doubts I mentioned above ; yes, I do have doubts. I'm a skeptic - I don't believe anything without rooting deeper, doing my own research on the matter.

Just like Christians or Muslims can't quite figure out where exactly did their god come from, I as an Atheist don't have the answer to where did the Big Bang come from, what caused it. Though while scientists are still digging for answers.... the believers sort of, you know, gave up pretty much at the beginning. God was always there, of course.

Plus one must remember that while the Big Bang is the most known theory about the beginning of the universe, there are literally thousandths of others ; both of how it began an of how it works because, remember, we don't know much about how it even works, let alone how it began.

So when someone asks me this question, I tell them that the theory that got closest to convincing me is the Big Bang. However, no I am not 100% convinced and I doubt I'll ever be. But I'm fine with what I've got, frankly ; I'm not one of those people who simply cannot live unless they find out the answer.

But we must keep in mind ; what you or I believe matters not. Facts are facts ; whether known or unknown.  And that's probably why I never really dwell on these questions too much ; my opinion doesn't matter much, the facts do. But science at least tries to find those facts, religion believes it already has them. But, I ask you ; where is your evidence? Research?

And on this (possibly slightly off-topic, apologies) note I leave you. Sorry it's pretty short, but that's really all I can say. I hope that answers the question.




As always, thank you for reading and for all the votes and comments. And aslo a huge thank you for making this story stay in the raning for Non-Fiction category for like 2 months now - now I'm only at #292. I couldn't have done it without you guys, thanks.

Have a nice day, you heathens. :)

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