Chapel Hill Shooting

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My friends, it is only the beginning of the year 2015 - we're only at the mid-February mark and yet already we had our shooting, as we humans do. But this shooting happens to be slightly different from all the others. Why? Because this is possibly the first time an Atheist led it....

Well, not exactly...

We've probably all heard of the Chapel Hill fiasco, either ages ago or only yesterday like the eejit writing this, and while it wasn't really your typical terrorist attack, it is widely known of. That's probably especially because the shooter, Craig Hicks, was an Atheist. And not just your typical next door Atheist, but also a strong anti-theist.

Now, with that said ; please keep in mind that I identify as an anti-theist as well but you don't see me shooting my next door neighbours (who also happen to be a Muslim family).

So, because of this many believers are convinced that Craig was influenced by religion (or his lack of) and that this is 'Atheism exposed'. How, I do not know.

Apparently, this is meant to give Atheists a bad name - because one, fat 46 year old shot his neighbours, officially over parking. Oh, I didn't;t mention that? Let me clear that up.

The police officially says that this wasn't an act of religion-related terrorism, but that it was over an on-going parking dispute.

So, what is my opinion? I can already see y'all getting your fingers ready on the keyboard, planning to comment with one certain word - 'hypocrite'. Well, not so fast.

Reading deeper into the story, yes, I do think that this was over the whole parking thing. After all, this is 'Murica. Does that leave the fact that we're talking about an anti-theist killing 3 Muslims as a coincidence. No.

I have no doubt that Craig would do the exact same faith if his next door neighbours were white Atheists, but I'm also without doubt that the fact that he was killing Muslims (very strong religion, as you all know) gave him some extra satisfaction.

I'm unsure if he's regretful of what he's done, and I don't care, but one thing I know for sure is that this guy isn't giving us Atheists a bad name. And if a believer thinks other wise, then that person probably hates us enough already and is just looking for excuses. Well, sorry mate, but this ain't one.

I hope to hear your thoughts down below. Having a week off, I'll probably update daily. Yay!

Have a nice day.


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