Irish Schools (Rant)

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As you most likely know, I'm an Irish student. I attend 2nd Year in a Secondary School (sort of an equivalent of High School for the US) and my school's called 'Sacred Hearth'.... and that's where my problems begin.

An enormous amount of the better off schools here are Catholic. What does that mean? That if you're rich and so want to send your child to a rich school, chances are you'll have to send them to a Catholic one - no matter what religion you are. You'd be surprised at the amount of Muslims and Atheists that attend this place.

And it's not like they just have it in the name and the school description - oh no, no, no! They're incredibly fucking proud of it. I mean, just last week, our school celebrated 'Catholic School's Week', and the whole building was decorated in quotes from the Bible (you know, the few nice, good cheery ones).

You think that's bad? Well, what if I tell you that on our daily morning assembly the vice-principal says the prayers and expects the pupils to do so too? Of course, if it's not your thing, no one's going to force you - but it still happens. While over in the US, mandatory prayer is illegal.

But all that is NOTHING. I mean it - SCREW THAT. I can live with all THAT. Here's the thing that pisses me off the MOST.

My school is one of the many in the country that made religion a COMPULSORY SUBJECT. They don't give a crap who you are - y'all studying religion for your LC (Leaving Cert - an exam you do when you're graduating). Sure, they teach all the religions and even mentioned Atheism and Humanism once or twice - but when it comes to studying Christianity and the Bible the teacher is making it obvious that this is, like, the one and only truth.

So what does that mean? That means that yours truly has to sit in a 35 minute class, listening to my teacher spewing BS and brainwashing my fellow students. That physically hurts me.

But wait - there's more! Believe it or not, but SCIENCE - the study of the real facts supported by evidence -  is NOT A COMPULSORY SUBJECT.


Oh, I should probably mention that while we had Islamic Studies and the Bible Studies, my teacher only mentioned the goody-goodies. The story of Abraham almost killing his son, but god then generously settling on a lamb? You children have no need to know that. The parables of Jesus on how to live your life? Remember to study for the exam next week!

Oh, and I should probably ALSO mention that after the attack on the Charlie Hebdo, she said the most typical thing a religious apologist could say - "Islam is a very peacful religion, girls. These were just a few evil people - I hope you realize that."

Those are her REAL, ACTUAL words. Thank gods that the bell just went right there, before she saw her red my face went just then.

See what I mean? I'm sorry if I may have used a few 'fucks' too many (in all fairness, how many are there - three?) but... can't you see what sort of hell I have to deal with here?

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