Let's Get This Straight.... (Please Read)

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As some of you may know, I hate racism, sexism and stereotypes. I hate it when people judge others by how they look or who they are. I mean, look at me. A 15 year old, chubby metal-head who also happens to love horses, kittens and art.

As some of you (the ones that have read this book thus far) may also know, I consider myself to be an anti-theist that means that I wish there was no religion.

But being an anti-theist does NOT automatically make one a hater. Not exactly. I don't hate anyone as long as they don't harm me or anyone else with their beliefs. Yes, I do think that religion is a stupid concept and I wish or society would finally realize that - but I'm smart enough to know that by simply hating on believers, I will achieve nothing.

Now, why am I saying this? For a number of reasons.

1) I had a few conversations via PM with some readers about my supposed 'hate' of believers. And frankly, those conversations are getting boring. All I get is more hate towards my person, and people trying to convert me. If anything, those conversations are more likely to start convincing me to hate all believers. But no worries - they have not.

2)   Hating on such a large group, with such a variety, is exhausting and point less. If I hated all believers, I'd hate my whole family, all of my school teachers and the majority of my peers. Atheists make up a small percentage of the population - hating on all the rest will only decrease our numbers instead of increasing.

3) As I said earlier, I don't generalize people. Yes, I strongly disagree with them, yes I hate some things they do - but I don't hate them personally. I hope you're grasping what I'm trying to say there.

Why am I telling you this? Because this is important. I need you to understand that. And I hope you share my opinions here. And I hope you believers stop asking 'why' and trying to convert me.

Unless you give me some solid proof that hasn't been said by every fundamentalist there, and that hasn't been debunked a million times - I'm not taking it.

Thank you for taking the time to read.


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