Chapter 27.

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Avery's Pov.

     I told Noah to leave me alone cause I couldn't keep revisiting the past and opening wounds. I just hoped to enjoy this trip without any troubles. I deserved a break after all of this.

  I stirred in my seat when I felt the bus stop moving. My eyes fluttered open only to widen when I saw Noah staring at me. I shrieked back in my seat, feeling the suffocated.

  "Where's everyone?", I asked, finally noticing how nobody was present on the bus, it was just Noah and I.

  "We stopped for food and bathroom", he explained, standing up. I nodded in understanding before getting up too. I needed to use the bathroom and a caramel latte doesn't sound so bad right now.

  I followed behind Noah. It was a struggle not to drool over how the muscles on his back contracted, as he walked. I needed to stop checking him out before I get caught.

  "I'll get you a drink, you could use restroom", he said as soon as we entered the small cafe that was mostly filled with seniors from our school. I was hit with the strong smell if coffee and croissants.

  "Uh, you don't have to'', I protested, raising my eyebrows at his sudden niceness.

  "I want to, I'll see you in a few", he said in dismissal, not giving me a chance to argue, before making his way to the long line. I stood there, still replaying what just happened in my head.

  I soon found myself walking towards where I expected the bathroom to be in.

It was surprisingly clean, I business, feeling nothing but great relief. I was just about to step out when I heard some voices outside the stall I was in. I was going to ignore them until I heard Noah's name.

  "I can't believe he fell for it", I knew that voice but I couldn't put a face to it.

  "Told you he would, plus he's not so dumb to believe that slut over pictures", Bree said. I definitely would recognize that conniving bitchy voice anywhere.

  My eyes widened in realisation. So it was Bree who took the picture and spread the rumour all over school???. My fists curled.

  Bree laughed alongside her friend.

"I still don't know why you hung out with those girls in the first place, Lucy", Bree said with disgust in her voice. Wait. Did she just say Lucy??

"I'm as disgusted as you are, but I felt pity for the bitch then, but not anymore ", I swear I felt my heart stop at Lucy's words. I thought she was my friend.

  Not being able to take it anymore, I walked out of the stall, trying to keep my face calm and hide the raging storm inside.

  I almost laughed at the shocked looked on their faces, but all I felt right now was hurt and anger.

  I made sure to wash my hands slowly, increasing the tension.

  From the reflection on the mirror, I saw Bree gulp before opening her mouth to say something.

  "How much of that did you hear?", she asked, trying to sound intimidating, but I could detect the worry in her voice.

  "Enough to know that you are a conniving, slimy bitch, who would do anything in her power to claim a guy who doesn't even want her ", I spat,  liking how she flinched before turning to Lucy.

  "And you Lucy, I should have known you were just as selfish and crazy as Bree, more like a backstabbing bitch", I said, letting the hurt see through my words.

  Lucy's face almost looked hurt and sad, but I couldn't care less.

I started to walk away when I felt Bree's nails dig into my wrist. I was harshly pulled back.

  "What are you going to do now?, tell Noah?, he won't believe you", she said with a dirty smirk.

  "Don't bet on that. Bye bitches", I said before finally walking out.

  As soon as I was out, I let out a deep breath finally letting myself focus on the different feelings I was getting.

  On one hand I felt hurt and sad, about what Lucy had said, on the other I felt relief that maybe now, Noah and I can get back together, but I highly doubt that.

  I feigned a smile as I saw Noah approaching with coffee and a bag.

  "Here, thought you would like some chocolate croissants ",I almost awed at how thoughtful he was but I held it in.

"Thank you Noah ", i said, looking into his eyes as  an emotion flickered in them, but i don't know which.

  Soon enough we were requested to board our buses as we still had an hour or two till we arrive at the camp.

  Noah and I got back to our seats, drinking our coffees as we had both finished our croissants.  We finished them before tossing them into the trash outside the window.

  The bus began moving again, 10 minutes into the drive, I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder. I almost screamed when I saw Noah's head on my shoulder. He must have fallen asleep.

  I wanted to wake him up but he looked exhausted, so I let him sleep. I settled for brushing the hair that had flopped over his forehead away.

  He looked so cute while he sleeped. I couldn't resist the urge to take a picture of him. Which I did.

  I hope he doesn't freak out when he wakes up. With that in mind, I placed my earphones back in my ear, getting carried away by the song that came out if it.


Please don't kill me. I'm sorryyyyyyy. I lost inspiration and vibe for the book but I'll try to continue. Sorry for any errors you might have read. Love you guys....


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