Chapter 11

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    It's been two days since the incident with Noah, and he had been trying to talk to me, but i just try as much as possible to avoid him...

    Kyle had tried to find out what happened, but i refused to talk to him too, i wanted nothing to do with Noah Gillinsky anymore...

    News spread wider than fire in my school, everyone thinks or assumes Noah and I are over and done with..

    I couldn't help the pain i felt when i heard one of the cheerleaders say that I was just one of Noah's whores..

   I couldn't blame them, i brought this upon myself...

   For the past two days i have been sulking a lot, moping around has become a tradition for me...

   So its no surprise that I'm currently sitting under the pine tree in our school's courtyard, listening to   Ed Sheeran's Eraser...

    I heard a loud thump, making me jump in fright, and pull my ear phones out of my ears.. I looked up to see Noah staring down at me with a hard look on his face...

    "Can we talk?", he asked, looking desperate for me to listen..

    "I don't think that would be a good idea Noah.... And besides i have a class now", I said, standing up and trying to walk away, but i felt his hand wrap around my wrist, halting my movements..

    "Please just hear me out", he begged, his voice sounding softer than usual...

    Deciding it wouldn't hurt to hear him out, i turned around to face him, my eyes boring holes into his...

    "Talk" , i said, feeling a lot more confident than earlier..

    "I'm sorry Avery, I'm really sorry, for what happened on friday, i was upset, and needed to relax, I didn't want to take out my frustrations on you", he explained.

    "So your way of getting through stress is having sex with some girl?.. At a fair!!", I whispered yelled  feeling angry all of a sudden..

    "I swear nothing happened between us, yes we made out, but we didn't do anything more than that", he said..

   "I'm i supposed to believe you?", i asked, i could feel my reserve breaking...

   "Yes", he breathed, i could hear the relief in his voice,which made me soften up more..

   "And why should i?", I asked, folding my arms and cocking my hip to the side.

   "Because you're my girlfriend and you love me", He said smirking..

    I let out a loud yelp as he pulled me to him, laughing in the process..

    "Oh, we are back to that?", I teased..

    "We never left it... So Avery Johnson, would you be my fake girlfriend again?", he asked, as if already knowing my answer...

   "Yes", i whispered, feeling a pressing pain on my chest as he said the words 'fake girlfriend'..

   His smirk deepened, as my arms automatically wrapped around his torso in form of a hug...

     I felt so happy, because i was his again and he was mine, even if its only fake...


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