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Tony slowly turned his head to a frantically panting Quill, then to Strange. "Why would you do that?" He breathed with sorrow. Strange hesitated for a moment, and they shared an equally defeated gaze.

"We're in the endgame now."

"Tessa?" Peter sprinted over to her and threw himself to his knees, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her onto her back. Her eyes were glued shut, blood seeping out of her side. "Oh god." He breathed while bringing his fingers up to feel her pulse. It was faint, but still there, and he pulled her onto his lap, hoisting her up.

He walked back over to the group frantically, "What do we do?" Tony jogged over and felt her pulse, then took a step back, looking around. "We have to get off this planet and help them on Earth before it's too late. They're at Wakanda, she can be treated there, they're the best of the best."

"Did you happen to notice that every single ship is crashed?" Quill asked, and her father turned to him with blazing eyes, hands curling into fists by his sides. "I do not need your fucking sarcasm right now!" Peter's eyes widened at the swear of his mentor, "My daughter is dying and I need a ship to get back down to Earth right the hell now! Thanos is not going to win and Theresa is not going to die! Now get off your ass and redeem yourself by finding me a damn ship!"

To everyone's surprise, Quill turned around wordlessly and ran off toward the ships, Drax following a moment later. Mantis slowly stepped forward to Tony with her fingers twiddling with one another, "May I look into her mind? I may be able to wake her up."

Tony and Peter exchanged gazes before he nodded, stepping aside as the other slowly put the girl on the gravel. Everyone stared at her with their hands either folded or on their hips, and she cleared her throat, turning to them. "It's easier if I work without anyone watching."

Her father purses his lips for a moment before obliging, turning around and walking down the incline, Peter and Strange going after him. He could feel their presence, so he began, "If Quill can find me a decent ship, I could patch it up. I'm a mechanic, I bet a ship can't be too bad."

"Do you really trust the antlers with your daughter, Stark?" Strange asked, and Tony turned around with a sigh to face the two, "Didn't we meet them at the same time?"

"Yes, but Thor knew them, and Thor's an Avenger, and he told them about us. I trust him." He stated quickly, speaking from his mind as he did the work. "And if he trusts her, then I do." His gaze lowered as his lips parted upon thinking of his daughter.

"She can't do this stuff anymore." He said after a moment of silence, "Once we get home she's done. I can't have her dying on me every other time she goes out."

"Mr. Stark—" Peter began while taking a step forward, but he brought a hand up and silenced him. "And you're not seeing her anymore. You broke her heart kid, you can't just come back and expect everything to be the same."

"I know that it's not the—"

"The adult is talking, not you! You're not seeing her anymore, and that's final!"

"I didn't have a choice—"

"What did I just tell you—"

"I love her!" Peter yelled above him, hands curled into fists and by his side, nails making crescent moons into his palms. Tony went silent as Strange's eyes widened, both turning to him. Peter breathed heavily, completely horrified that he had just talked back to his mentor, and said that he loved his daughter.

I am so getting fired.

"What did you just say?" Tony hissed in disbelief, and Peter swallowed before blurting, "I love her, Mr. Stark. I broke her heart to protect her, and it broke me too. I know that nothing is the same, but for the love of god, I love her, Mr. Stark. And. . . and you can't stop me from seeing her!"

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