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Peter had busted a window open on the space craft and shoved himself through it, falling onto the floor awkwardly, going face first. He coughed and closed the window, rubbing the side of his face.

"Ah, should've listened to Mr. Stark on this one and stayed on the bus." He mumbled, beginning to walk down a hallway, searching for Dr. Strange, which Tony had now assigned him to since he couldn't get word on his daughter while rolling out his shoulder uncomfortably.

Peter was concerned for his girlfriend, but knew that she could hold her own, so he wasn't as worried as your average boyfriend.

He halted and held his breath as he heard a one sided conversation. It was muffled at first, so he slowly moved forward silently. He looked up to see Tony in his iron man suit, pointing his finger at something red.

"You're quite a loyal piece of outerwear, huh?" He questioned, and Peter took that as an introduction to himself. He went upside down on a web and lowered himself down with a sheepish smile, saying, "Speaking of loyalty."

Tony immediately turned around, mouth an o shape as he stared at Peter, who was in his iron spider suit without his mask, "What the. . .?"

Peter flipped flipped down with a hard thud, "I know what you're gonna say!" Peter said while putting his hands up. "That you should not be here?"

"I was gonna go home!" "I don't wanna hear it!"

"But it was such a long way down and I just thought and I thought about you on the way!" "And now I've gotta hear it!"

"And I just kind of stuck to the side of the ship! And this suit is ridiculously intuitive by the way," "God damn it." "So if anything it's kind of your fault that I'm here."

The cape and Tony both looked up at Peter in shock, "What did you just say?" and he quickly stuttered, "I take that back! And now I'm here in space."

"Yeah, right where I didn't want you to be!" Tony growled while walking over slowly, his eyes flaming. His voice got low as he hissed, "This isn't Coney Island, this isn't a field trip. This is a one-way ticket! You hear me?" He poked his chest, "Don't pretend you thought this through."

"I did think this through-!" "You couldn't have possibly thought this through!"

"You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood." Peter mumbled, and one look from Tony had him saying, "Okay, that didn't really make sense but you know what I'm trying to say."

A crash tore them out of their bickering, and Tony turned to see something moving within the shadows, and quickly pushed Peter behind him while saying, "Come on out, you have three seconds!"

On the fourth second, Tessa appeared, staring at her father with malice. She stood in the middle of the hallway, her eyes unblinking and glowing a harsh cerulean. Her hair was straight and long, reaching her elbows perfectly. Her palms flourished with blue, which wasn't her iconic color.

"Tessa, are you okay?" Tony asked hesitantly as he stared at his daughter and her glowing palms. She had an icy glare that you couldn't cut with a knife, and he felt it chill his spine. He took a glance at Peter, who stared as well in fright.

The girl twiddled her fingers together, the sapphire getting stronger and brighter within her palms. Without warning, she hurled a sphere at her father, hitting his suit. It made him stumble a few feet, and she hurled her next sphere at Peter. He attempted to block it with a web, but the shock absorbed into the string and connected with his hands, making him gasp in pain and drop his web shooter.

"Theresa!" Her father yelled, and she didn't look over, staring at Peter with malice. "She must be being controlled." He mumbled, then quickly fumbled with something in his suit, taking out a sphere.

Infinity {Book 2} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now