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A/N: Only two more chapters after this, then Endgame! Next few chapters are intense, let's do this!

"Tessa!" Tony cried, his grip loosening on the glove.

"Get the gauntlet!" She gritted, her hand pressing down on her wound through her shirt, which was instantly slathered in crimson. He continued to tug at the gauntlet again, trying to get it off as quick as possible, "Keep your damn eyes open!"

Tessa hissed in agony when she tried to sit up, but was forced back down with a pant.

Quill flew over to her and crouched down, putting a worried hand on her elbow, "You alright?" She shook her slowly while her head spun, and mind slowly drifting, "G-Get the gaunt. . ." He stood up hesitantly and walked over to the group, standing in front of the Titan while pressing a button, the mask leaving his face and folding up.

"Where is Gamora?" He asked in a shaky voice, his fingers turning white on the trigger of the gun beside his side. "My Gamora. . ." He breathed, and he shook his head while hissing, "Bullshit! Now where is she!"

"He, he is an anguish." Mantis muttered, her hands tightening on his head, "He mourns."

"What does this monster have to mourn?" Drax asked while holding down his leg with effort, grunting the question.

"Gamora." Tessa turned her head to see Nebula standing behind them, gazing at the scene in front of her emptily, "He left with her and came back with the soul stone without her."

That wasn't Thanos's nightmare. . . It was his memory.

Everyone snapped their heads to Quill, who was staring at Thanos in despair and disbelief, "No, you didn't. Tell me you didn't." Tears flooded his vision, glossing his whiskey eyes over, his hands beginning to shake.

"Quill, don't engage! We've almost got this thing off!" Tony roared, tugging even harder at the gauntlet with Peter.

"I had to." Thanos breathed, his eyes slowly turning back into their original color as Mantis lost control and he sunk back into his mind.

"Asshole!" Quill cried, his hand with the gun reaching up and hitting him viciously in the face. Within three swipes the Titan got his body back, instantly swiping him away and throwing Mantis from his shoulders.

"It's coming it's coming it's coming!" Peter cried, tugging the last of the gauntlet off. Thanos turned and grabbed it, yanking it from his grip. The boy looked up and saw Mantis flying away, and quickly yelled, "Oh no! I've got you, bug lady!"

Thanos kicked Strange and Drax away as Tony flew over to her, picking her up in his arms and flying her away. Thanos saw his actions and pointed the power stone at them, firing easily. It hit them and they separated, flying in two completely different directions. A shriek escaped her lips as she flipped over and over, then suddenly skidded to a stop, tumbling a few more times along the rocks and dust before finally stopping on her back. She cried out and cradled her wound, involuntary tears forcing themselves out of her eyes and down her grimy cheeks as blood dribbled down her fingers.

Everyone who hasn't fallen were quickly attacking Thanos, all storming to him with their heads held high. She looked over to see them each fighting and getting thrown away, they weren't working together at all.

Tessa sat up with more tears, her right hand never leaving her wound. She then got to her knees, then to her feet slowly, blood splattering on the floor around her. Her knees were wobbly, feeling like jello as she stumbled over to a stray piece of metal that was taller then her and leaned against it for a moment, catching her breath.

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