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Tony landed on the gravel, making the floor vibrate harshly and dust puff up. His mask folded into his suit as he sprinted over and fell to his knees beside the two teens who were covered in crimson. "Oh god." He muttered while skidding to a stop and putting his hands to his daughter's neck to check what her heart beat was like. It was surprisingly still going strong, but decreasing by the seconds.

"FRIDAY, get her vitals into your files and say the second something drops." The Stark commanded into his earpiece, and they both heard a faint You've got it! before heavy breathing filled the void of silence.

Her father lifted up her sticky suit to reveal the wound on the left of her tummy. Blood was everywhere. The wound was gaping open with crimson pouring out of it still, and he winced.

"Okay pumpkin, bite down on this." He gave her a piece of cloth that he ripped from the bottom of her suit that was clean and smiled sheepishly at her. "Is that - my suit?" She breathed with attitude, and he shrugged while shoving it into her mouth, "Yeah, we'll talk about that later. This is gonna hurt like a bitch, okay?"

Tessa nodded slowly and bit down on the cloth hesitantly, staring straight ahead, her hands shaking and her grey eyes wide in fear. Suddenly fingers intertwined with hers, and a kiss was delivered to the top of her head. She leaned into Peter's touch as he murmured, "It's alright, darling. I'll be here the whole time."

A sharp pain forced its way into her stomach, and a shriek erupted from her throat and muffled into the cloth. She bit down unbelievably hard and vaguely prayed that her teeth wouldn't break from the force. Peter stroked her hair and whispered words of encouragement.

Tony was sterilizing the wound with new equipment attached onto his suit, and winced at her cries of agony. He went as fast as he could and once the sterilization was over, he let her take a breather, sweat matting down her hair to her forehead.

"Hey, you're doing great." Peter murmured, "The first part is done, it's alright." Tears were forcing themselves out of her eyes and down her face, cutting streaks in the dirt slathered onto her cheeks, revealing the rosyness. She panted through the cloth while looking up at Peter with fearful eyes that were clouded. Constellations of tears gathered on her eyelashes and she looked through them to see him, and a whimper of pain escaped her lips. He continued to stroke her hair worriedly in a desperate attempt to distract her.

Without warning, Tony began to mend the wound back together with more equipment kept handy in his suit. An impossibility louder screech knocked the air out of her lungs, tears clouding her shaky vision. She squeezed her hands into fists, twisting her boyfriend's fingers. He yelped in pain and tore his grip away, and her nails sunk crescent moons into her palms, drawing up blood.

"Her heart is increasing dramatically." FRIDAY informed, then she abruptly passed out, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. She slumped against Peter as FRIDAY said, "Her pain vitals were over the roof and she went unconscious, sir."

"Wake her up." Tony hissed while finishing up, and Peter began to frantically shake her shoulders and gently tap her cheeks, but she remained motionless. "Oh god, she's not waking up. She's not waking up!" He yelled while now shaking her like crazy.

"Strange!" Tony yelled into his ear piece while pulling away his equipment, it folding back into his suit. "What?" The wizard replied annoyingly, looking around to see where he was.

"Get your ass over here!" Tony seethed just as he found the Iron Man suit and sprinted over, his cloak flowing behind him. He slowed to a stop upon seeing the unconscious teen with blood all over her, and his heart stopped. "Is she . . .?" He murmured, but her father quickly shook his head, "No, and I'm not letting her. I sterilized and mended the wound, but she passed out. You gotta wake her up with your little ring things. Please."

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