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"Theresa!" Tony screeched from the ship, crawling around it to find his daughter. He was throwing things around and saw where she hit the floor with her fist, and instantly knew that she used too much of her energy.


Strange got up with a groan and began to search as well, along with Peter, who was looking just as frantically as Tony. They all met up in the middle of the ship and shook their heads, Tony saying, "She's here somewhere, we've got to keep looking—"

Their conversation never got to be finished due to something rolling up in the middle of the group. They all looked down at it, and without being able to process a thought, the three were flung in the air, the bomb exploding.

Peter caught himself with his webs and Tony with his suit, but Strange was completely thrown away. Three people came running in through an entrance, a person with a mask pointing what looked like a gun at Tony. He raised his arm and shot a singular beam at it, sending it crashing away.

"Mantis, put them to sleep!" The person on the floor hissed, it sounded like a man. The girl with what looked like antlers and wide, black eyes came out and tried to grab Peter, but he cried out, "Please don't put your eggs in me!" while shuffling away, firing webs rapid speed. She was caught in them and he stuck her feet to the floor, ensuring she wouldn't move.

A man that had light blue skin with intricate marks of red came barreling over to Tony, jumping up and grabbing his helmet, quickly ripping it right off. Strange suddenly appeared and yanked the alien off, the two falling to the floor as another helmet zipped around Tony's head.

Tony shot him with a beam, sending him tumbling away with a thick thud. The other man got up from the floor and shot his gun, aiming for the head. Tony ducked and kicked Strange out of the way, then flew over to him and knocked him to his knees once again.

The alien ran for Strange, who quickly put up a shield with one hand while making a sword out of magic with the other. The magician got a few good hits in before the alien got him in the side, making him fall to his knees. Tony flew over and knocked the alien down, and put one foot up on his chest.

"Everybody stay where you are, chill the F out!" The man with the mask yelled, and Tony looked over to see Peter in a choke hold with ropes that were glowing tied tightly around him and a gun held to his head, and his eyes instantly widened while a gun came out of his suit and pointed at the alien. The man clicked the side of his mask, and it quickly folded away.

"I'm gonna ask you this one time." The man with dusty hair holding Peter said, pointing his gun at Tony now, "Where is Gamora?"

"Yeah, I'll do you one better, who's Gamora?!" Tony hissed back, and the man beneath his foot yelled, "And I'll do you one better, why is Gamora?"

Everyone casted him an exasperated look, and Strange scoffed while rolling his eyes.

"Tell me where the girl is, or I swear to you I'm gonna French fry this little freak!" 

"Let's do it, you shoot my guy and I'll blast him, let's go!" Tony yelled, his mask disappearing.

"Do it Quill, I can take it!" The alien hissed, but Mantis cried from a couple feet away, "No! He can't take it!" "You're right, he can't." Strange added, rings moving slowly around his wrist like clocks.

"Oh yeah, you don't want to tell me where she is? That's fine!" The man yelled, tightening his grip on Peter, "I'll kill all three of you and beat it out of Thanos myself, starting with you!" He dug the gun deeper into the boy's head, making him wince in pain.

"Wait, wha - Thanos?! All right, let me ask you this one time: what master do you serve?" Strange asked.

"What master do I serve?" The man echoed with a scoff, "What am I supposed to say? Jesus?"

Infinity {Book 2} [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant