" ℝ "

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Rose Carter jerks awake to the sound of a buzzing mobile phone. Her heart slams into her ribcage, each pulse sending a fresh wave of fear across her body until finally, she acknowledges the noise for what it is. Releasing her grip on the duvet, she scours her bedside table for the brick-like device.

She's been using a burner for the past two weeks and only two people have the number; her assistant and Oswald Cobblepot. The ID on the small LED screen is neither. Instead it comes up as Unknown so she can only hope that this isn't a scam call. For their sake more than hers.

When she sits up, a parting in the blinds channels a shaft of light directly into her eyes, like the universe is trying to spite her. Turning her gaze downward, she raises the phone to her ear and waits for the line to click on.

A clear, feminine voice passes through the speakers, "Rose? It's Lee."

Lee Thompkins.

Rose sighs. Calls with Lee were never quick so, brow furrowed in annoyance, she swings her legs off the bed. A chill slithers up her arms when her bare feet meet the marble tiles and she silently curses whoever decided not to carpet the floor. She doesn't bother to wear her slippers, opting to scramble to the rug by her dresser instead. Her search for warmth is futile but after the rush, she knows she'll never be able to go back to sleep. With a glance at the ticking neon clock to her right, she begins to calculate the hours left until her flight. While Rose can't wait to return to Gotham- yes, despite the comically high crime rate and 9/10 chance of being accosted by a villain with a pun in their name- Lee's sudden phone call is nothing short of foreboding.

After some not-so-gentle persuasion, Rose had agreed to take a break from work. The decision had taken her all the way to Australia on what was supposed to be a ten-day vacation. Then the Tetch virus infected Gotham and the city went under lockdown. The quarantine law had only been lifted yesterday night but Rose had already booked the first flight back.

"Lee...I assume this isn't a 1am social call?" Rose asks, flicking on the lights.

She squints at her dresser through the sudden brightness, relishing a loud yawn as she empties a glass jug of leftover coffee into a spare mug. It only takes a sip for her to realise that not only is the drink incredibly bitter, but it's gone cold too.

"Look, Rose, there's no other way to put this...So I may as well just say it. Jerome Valeska's back. He's alive."

Rose chokes on her drink. Liquid sloshes out of the cup as she coughs violently and when she has finally composed herself, her mind is numb with horror.

Four years ago, Jerome Valeska effectively ruined her life. After their first encounter at Haly's Circus when he'd begged to see her a second time- something she still didn't quite understand -and then stood her up, Rose thought she'd never see him again. Then he was charged with matricide (great excuse for missing a date), escaped Arkham Asylum with four other inmates and terrorised Gotham for days. Worst of all- if you look past all the murders -they'd called themselves the Maniax, like some teenage emo rock band. Rose had "last" met Jerome at Wayne Enterprises' annual fundraiser and after the twist at the end of that night, she thought she'd never see him again, again.

Flashback //


4 Years Ago

"This next act is dedicated to a very special member of our audience."

Rose sits, frozen, as the ginger maniac onstage pivots to face her. The blonde beside him, her name Barbara, swoons in her direction. Her appearance is playful but the knife in her hands reminds Rose of the danger beneath that pink ballerina's outfit. Not to mention the woman, Lee, strapped to a roulette wheel behind her. The crowd holds its breath as Jerome raises his weapon but instead of the click of a gun, she hears the snap of his fingers. As if on cue, a spotlight descends upon her table, illuminating her figure in pale white light. Her heart is racing, every fibre of her body telling her to run but for her eyes which see the armed men surrounding the hall and warn her, it'll mean instant death. At least sitting here she has a fighting chance.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘 : JEROME VALESKAWhere stories live. Discover now