" 𝔍 "

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The red seems painted, as if the scene has been carved from the mind of an artist, not the hand of God. Rose heaves up more and more of the vile colour as it forms into thick tendrils around her, circling her body like a misplaced confession from the heart. Though her eyes are closed, she can feel his hands, trembling against the wound on her abdomen. She can hear his voice, whispering eleventh hour promises into her ear. She can smell the blood, hers and his, polluting the air and congesting her stinging lungs.

Like the browned red and yellowed white of a ragged circus tent, her crimson blood stains his pale skin and the ashy concrete beneath it.

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One name.

One name and her life was radically, irrevocably changed.

And no, before you get all sappy, that name wasn't 'Jerome'. That would have been too easy. Had it been so simple, the following sequence of events might never have taken place.

Had it been so simple, maybe Rose Carter's first encounter with Jerome Valeska would have been her last.

As it so happened, fate had other plans.


Ha...it's not like I have anything important to do other than write Jerome Valeska fan fiction right...right?

Ugh, anyway because my life is a mess this will be one of my shorter works. I'm going to try to keep it around ten chapters in length but because I always go overboard with writing, we're most likely going to end up with ten hundred instead...oops. Anyway, you'll enjoy it.

No, really.

You will enjoy it.


Fun fact, this chapter was originally exactly 666 words by coincidence.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘 : JEROME VALESKAWhere stories live. Discover now