"So they are selling them to a lab to be experimented on for a quick pay off?"

"Pretty much and that's why we're here." Charles confirms and Erik feels rage consume him. He questions why he feels so much anger at the wronging towards these children.

He hardly knows them, except for meeting the boy once. Maybe it's because they're mutants. Yeah, that has to be it.

"We're here." Charles says, pulling Erik from his thoughts.

   As they enter the house, they can't help but notice the worn out welcome mat and poor condition of the building itself.

"God do animals live here?" Erik questions when the door suddenly opens, revealing a very unkept woman in her 50's, with brown curly hair and a cigarette.

She puffs the smoke from her mouth into the gentlemen's faces before asking, in a raspy voice, "Who the hell are you two?"

"Well," Charles begins, sharing a glance with Erik, but the woman speaks before he can finish.

"Is this about Peter again? God that kid never listen. I'll have Mike deal with him when he gets home." The woman's says, ready to close the door but Erik stops it with some force and a glare.

"Actually we have come to speak with Peter and Wanda. They aren't in any trouble." Charles confirms with a smile and Erik puts on the best smile he can muster, which isn't much considering it's Erik.

"They're in the basement." The woman says before walking off and leaving the two men to themselves.

They had to go down the stairs, so Charles decided to stay upstairs and sent Erik down instead, leaving him to stand there awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

He looks around and sees piles of electronics and various other things, all with the price tags still on them.

   The kid is obviously a kleptomaniac

   Erik thinks to himself when he hears Charles' voice in his mind.

   "Please be open minded and not judge them until you meet them. They're good kids, Erik. Trust me." Charles urged him telepathically.

Erik dismisses it and walks over to the insanely large stack of Twinkie boxes and grabs one out of the box.

   As he begins to unwrap it, it's suddenly ripped out of his hands and in the hands of a very angry looking silver haired boy across the room.

"Hey man, you may be Magneto but that doesn't mean that you can just take my Twinkie!" The boy, who Erik assumes is Peter, yells confidentially before ultimately regretting his decision of yelling at one of the world's most powerful mutants.

"Listen man, I was upset and I said things that I didn't mean andpleasedon'tkillmeMr.MagnetoIdon'tknowwhattocallyouI'msosorrysir." Peter finishes, giving Erik a headache at trying to fathom what he's just said.

   "It's alright Peter. You don't have to be afraid of us. We're here to help you and Wanda." Charles' voice sounded in his head, comforting the young mutant a great deal.

"Oh hi Professor!" Peter says cheerfully and Erik merely chuckles at the boy's eagerness.

"If both of you wouldn't mind, I would appreciate it if you brought this conversation upstairs." Charles says with a smile and in less than a second, Peter is standing right in front of the professor with a half eaten Twinkie in hand.

A few moments later, Erik joins them and asks the obvious question.

   "So, where's your sister?"

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