
946 61 131

• "Suffocation."

* * *

Zak sighed, burying his head into his pillow. What time even was it? Darryl and Vincent headed to bed around 9 o'clock, and so did he. Today had been exhausting. He would go ask Darryl what time it was, but best not to be a burden. He had already caused them so much stress anyways.
His arm still felt numb.
Not even his elbow, his entire arm was numb. It felt so weird. Maybe Vincent put something on his wound that would make it less painful.
God, this absolutely sucked. He couldn't sleep, partly because he didn't want to fall asleep, and partly because where his elbow wasn't numb, is hurt wicked bad. So, so bad. Maybe he should get up and ask where Vincent kept those pain relievers? No.

This sucked.

Zak winced as he adjusted his position, staring at the ceiling.
He didn't want to die.
Speaking of... Shoot.
Zak cursed at himself for this morning. He literally heard the sirens, and his mind briefly thought he was still dreaming. He screamed, a lot. He probably made Darryl really uncomfortable. Zak hesitated, before getting up to fetch himself a glass of water.
As he was sipping down his drink, he pulled out his phone and texted some of his relatives, hopefully the signal wouldn't go down again like last time. He didn't bring up the bite, only that he got a bit scuffed up, but that there was no need to come down, he was perfectly fine.
Zak set down his phone and his glass, and walked over to sit on their couch. He covered his face with his hands, squinting his eyes shut. God, the conversation that he and Vincent had before looking for Darryl, it haunted him.

"Zak- I didn't mean to put it like that-"
"No, no it's fine. It's fucking fine."
"Darryl and I were just being stupid- we shouldn't have treated you like that-"
"VINCENT- I'M. FINE. I got bit by some dead corpse, and I have no idea whether some bacteria got into my into my shoulder that could kill me or not. Thanks for asking, but I'm fine."

He shouldn't have gotten mad at Vincent, Vince was helping him. But he didn't want to die. Maybe Darryl was right. Maybe he was perfectly fine. Maybe he was over reacting. And besides, they're going to a different hospital tomorrow anyways, and after that he will be perfect. They can go shopping then, and finally start resuming their YouTube channels.
He was so tired.
So tired.

* * *

"What the..." Vincent awoke to the sound of... Vomiting...? Yeah, that was definitely somebody throwing up. Vincent hopped out of his bed, and ran down the hallway to the bathroom, opening the door gently.
Zak was hunched over the toilet, vomiting. What the hell...? He looked horrid. That's when Vincent noticed that Zak's bandage was off.
"Zak! You're supposed to keep that o- ZAK-"
The sound of a second door opening echoed throughout the apartment, as Darryl walked over to Vincent, who jolted over to the kitchen sink.
Zak briefly stopped coughing up... Blood? Lots of it. His eyes were red, and he was beginning to get a nosebleed.
"Aaah- GAhh-"
"Darryl, grab the car keys and your phone, we're leaving now." Vincent rushed over to Zak, handing him a glass of water and a bowl, helping him up. "Come on- Come on- we're not waiting any longer."
Zak coughed out a little more blood into the bowl, and sipped some of the water. "Gah- Ah- Arm- My chest doesn't-"
"Here Vince."
"Alright, you help him to the car."
"On it."
Vincent raced downstairs to the door, getting the car ready. Darryl rubbed Zak's back, making sure he could walk on his own. He looked extremely weak, almost limping.
"Come on, you muffin... We're almost there."
Zak and Darryl reached the car, and Vincent opened the back doors for them. "Hang in there you two, I'm gonna try my best not to speed."
"You gotta stay awake for us, okay Zak? Skeppy?"

* * *

So, so tired. Zak, Zak stay awake... Bleh... He can sleep about anything he wants. No dying, he promised Darryl not to die. Zaaaak, staaay awake. Man, BadBoyHalo was weeeird. He should relax once in a while, so should A6d. He always gets so mad, especially at Bad. But that was okay, A6d is cute when he gets mad.
   Speaking of A6d, was he a bad driver or whaaat...? The car shook slightly, making Zak want to heave yet again.
"A6d... Can you slow down, all the lights are like... Neon n'shit..." Zak felt somebody hug him. "Aha... Darryl, you're such a touchy person... Am I gonna die, BadBoyHalo?"
"Can you kiss me goodnight, BadBoyHalo? I'm so tired." Zak whined. Darryl looked really sad, why was he crying? Zak wasn't even sick, haha. What an idot. He should troll him on Minecraft later, that would be so funny. He glanced out the window, and man... A bunch of bright red, blue, and white lights blurred together; it made him feel so nauseous. It was like a rainbow, but not a rainbow. It was a bad rainbow, Zak didn't like it.
"Please Zak, please stay awake. You'll feel better as long as you don't fall asleep."

   Oh shit.

Zak almost choked, coughing hysterically, more blood being added to the bowl. Tears began to stream down his cheeks. A sudden strike of hell trailed up his spine by surprise, causing him to cough even harder.
"Help- HELP ME—"
"Darryl, what's happening?!"
"Drive faster, oh my goodness, Zak, please stay awake for us, it's gonna get better, it's gonna get better-"
   Again, and again, and again.
"I'm trying- I'm trying, hold on you two-"
The car sped up. Zak coughed more heavily now, frantically trying to breathe correctly. His arm hurt so bad- it was incredibly painfully to breathe. His head was spinning. Blood. He just wanted to sleep. His brain gave off a rotten energy, Zak felt disgusting. He let out several more dry coughs, before he felt one of the most painful experiences in his life play out in an instant.

   "GAH- GAHH- HELL- HELP-" Zak shrieked, clenching his head with his hands, squeezing as hard as he could. His mind was on FIRE. He couldn't think, he just felt these horrific urges, these desires. Everything felt like a living hell.
   Everything he looked at was in some form of way, amplified and disoriented. Where the fuck was he? Bright flashes of red flooded his vision, and he began to sense a very distinct taste of blood in his mouth. Then the bolts of pain and electric torture resumed, and so did the screaming. He arched out his back, biting his lip until it bled. He covered his mouth, trembling greatly.
   "MMM- MMM-"

* * *

   "I'M DRIVING AS FAST AS I CAN, IS ZAK OKAY? WHAT'S HAPPENING—" Vincent was about to cry, oh god, he probably just ran a red light. He heard more vomiting, and smelled blood.
   "ZAK- ZAK-"
   The car swerved to the left, entering the parking lot of a completely different hospital. Vincent almost fell as he jumped out of his car, slamming the door shut and helping Zak and Darryl out. Zak was wheezing, and absolutely covered in his own blood, which was also dripping from his nose and lips. Tears mixed with the dark metallic liquid, which stained his cheeks. Darryl and Vincent ran, both partially holding Zak by his arms into the hospital.
   Vision blurry with tears, Darryl screamed for doctors, and everyone took notice. Heads turned as doctors and nurses immediately swarmed the area, taking Zak away before Vincent and Darryl could say a word. They heard lots of shouting, and Zak screaming louder.

   "Please come with me, tell me what happened so that we can take the measures-"
   "ZAK- ZAK-"
   "Follow me, we need to discuss that RIGHT NOW-"

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