"Not really what I'm looking for."

"Well, you have to to pay off the debt," Jangmi reminds. "But anyways, this is the dressing room. Locker 16 is yours and here's the key." You take the key from her hand. "You'll put all your stuff in there so when you perform, these sneaky rats don't take it."

You nod.

"You're very timid, huh?" Jangmi points out.

"Not usually. I just don't know how to act in a job I don't want to work at."

"Gotta fake it til you make it, sister," She advices. "The customers love confidence. You have to walk around and flirt with these men so they want a private dance. I know you don't want to do that, but I advise you to do those a lot. They pay ₩30,000 per song."

A/N: that's around $25/£20

"Now to how things work around here," Jangmi sits on the couch and you sit on the one across from her. "Every beginner starts with three-inch stiletto heels then you'll make your way up. Buy your own lingerie or outfits—the flashier the better. Don't, and I cannot stress this enough, take the other girls customers. It'll only stir up drama and I hate drama. Other than that, I think that's about it."

"Cool. Not too hard to remember."

"Exactly," She smiles. "I can teach you some pole dances now. Chulmin told me you're very new to all of this."

"I am." You respond.

"Great! I'll be happy to teach you some stuff!" Jangmi exclaims.

After what was hours of practicing on the pole and walking around in the heels, you head home, blisters already on your feet.

I haven't even started working.

You're glad you had met Jangmi. She was very sweet and encouraging. She also told you that if you ever had any problems with a customer, another one of the girls, or dancing to come to her.


This time you didn't let the robotic voice finish the stupid words you've been hearing every day for the past two weeks.

"I'm so tired of your fucking voice, robot lady," You tell your phone. "I'm so tired of everything."

As a sigh leaves your lips, you get up and walk upstairs and into your room. You stand under the door frame for a few seconds, looking around and seeing all of Jungkook's things.

"I miss you," You whisper to yourself. "I miss you so much."

• • • •

"I miss her so much, Batam," Jungkook wipes away his tears. "God, I'm so fucking pathetic. I haven't cried since I was eleven and the first time I cry since then is over a girl?"

"You're not pathetic, Jungkook. You're human. We cry over things that matter and over things that don't," Batam tries to comfort him. "Y/N is one of those things that matter."

Jungkook looks up at him, "When are you going to help me leave this prison?"

"By the end of this week, you won't be here anymore," Batam assures.

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