el was in a fit of laughter watching her boyfriend struggle on the ice. "you try! it's not easy!" mike pouted as he tried to walk around, "i'd rather watch you," she giggled, mike ignored her comment and tried to walk around the perimeter of the ring.

after a few minutes he succeeded in not falling over, "okay come on, it's no fun with you watching." mike said when he got back over to el, "okay fine," el grabbed onto mike's arm and stepped out onto the ice, it was a lot more slippery then she imagined. her grip was tight on his arm, she was practically pulling him down. "el your going to fall over if you keep pulling on me," mike chuckled, el reached over and grabbed the wall for support. el tried walking like she would normally but she suddenly slipped causing her to fall on her butt, because she was holding onto mike so tightly he came down right next to her.

mike started laughing which caused her to start laughing too. "s-stop laughing that hurt," she giggled, mike tried standing up but slipped again and fell right back down.

that caused el to laugh even harder, people around them shared annoyed glances with everyone else as they avoided the clearly struggling couple. "come on, let's actually try to skate."

when the two finally got up they held on to each other for dear life, ice skating was a lot harder than it looked. "how are people just gliding along like that?" el questioned, "i have no idea," mike then realized that you weren't really supposed to be 'stepping' on the ice, rather mostly sliding your feet against it. with that in mind mike tried it and surprisingly didn't fail.  he started skating a little faster, "how are you doing that?" el asked, "watch," mike tried showing her how easily he gliding along the surface of the ice.

el tried but then ended up falling forward and landing on her face. "oh my god el, are you okay?!" mike asked, panic lacing his tone. he quickly kneeled down to her level, "yeah, i'm fine." she mumbled, "i should have known this was a bad idea, i feel awful. this is all my fault. what if you loose so much blood and you pass out? or what if it gets infected before we can clean it up? joyce is going to kill-"

"mike, it's okay. it's only a little cut," she said with a small smile, "yeah a little cut can cause some big problems," mike said rubbing his fingers through his hair, "i promise i'll be okay, can we just ignore it for now, and deal with it later? i don't want to waste the time we have together worrying about a stupid cut."

"y-yeah, yeah sure. your right." they spent the rest of the night trying to skate around without failing, which was somewhat successful. they played around on the ice until the place was about to close. when the two reached mike's car he quickly turned on the heat, "how's your chin?" he asked, "it's fine," el answered shortly, "it doesn't hurt?"


mike still didn't believe her so he drove back to his house as quickly as possible. "come with me," mike said when they entered the house, el followed him and he lead her into the bathroom.

el furrowed her eyebrows, "what are we doing in here?"

mike didn't answer instead he opened the medicine cabinet and took the first aid kit out and set it on the counter. "mike come on- it's not that bad."

"i just want to be able to sleep tonight." he mumbled as he fumbled through the first aid kit. he pulled out some rubbing alcohol and gently put some on a cotton ball. el was about to protest but it really was no use, "it might sting," he said quietly as he brought the cotton ball up to her chin, she slightly winced when it made contact with her face but ignored it soon. el watched as mike gently cleaned the wound, when the small cut was all cleaned off mike pulled out a small bandaid. "mike-"

he gave her a stern look which made her sigh in defeat, he placed the band aid over her chin. "even though it was unnecessary, thank you." el smiled, "anything for you," he winked, "you have to work on that." el giggled, mike shrugged and leaned in to place a soft kiss on her lips.

almost as if it was planned there was a knock at the door. "yes?" mike replied, annoyed. "can you two stop sucking face for one second and come downstairs?" an all to familiar voice, coming from dustin, said through the door. "yeah we'll be down in a second." mike said, "we can't ever catch a break huh?"

"i guess not"

authors note:

lol excuse this super long fluffy yet really random oneshot

didn't really edit the end so sorry if there a mistakes.

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