Chapter 11

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Back to Percy's POV!!

I grumbled tiredly when Jason and Leo dragged me to the big house. I saw everyone looking at me, more precisely, the bandages on my arms, that were once again starting to bleed. I pretended to be passed out, just to see what they would do.

"Jason, do you think he would kill himself?" Leo asked carefully and quietly. I felt like I just got punched in the gut, and it hurt.

"I, I don't know." Jason said hopelessly. "But this is Percy we're talking about, he does the unexpected." Jason chuckled slightly.

"Hopefully this doesn't kill him." Leo muttered. I was shocked they cared so much. Who would care for me, after all, I'm a murderer.

"Leo, you relate to him the most, you've been neglected, he's been neglected, you've gotten abused by your foster families, he got abused by his stepdad." Jason listed. I was shocked. Leo was abused too? I guess after his mom died.

"He had it much worse and you know it." Leo said.

"Yeah, he's done what he needed to do to survive, and he's done some damage, but who cares? He was trying to survive. Just cause you didn't kill anyone or get assaulted didn't mean you had it good." Jason said pointedly. This was crazy! I felt bad for eavesdropping now.

"I killed my mom." Leo said sadly. I could hear him sniffle and rubs his eyes, trying to hide his tears. Now I really feel bad! I couldn't let them know I heard the entire conversation.

"That wasn't your fault Leo." Jason said, knocking on the big house door and leading me in. Leo couldn't put anything else in, because we were greeted by a centaur and some girls who looked pissed. Thank the gods I'm pretending to be knocked out.

"What the Hades did he do?!" Clarisse shouted grabbing my arm roughly. I squeezed my eyes tightly, tears threatening to fall. I felt the cuts start oozing blood, soaking the bandages that Jason and Leo put on.

"He had a panic attack." Leo said briefly. Thank the gods that he didn't freak out. I decided now would be a good time to pretend to wake up. I moved my arms, standing up and rubbed my red face, but I was hit with a wave of dizziness.

"Percy!" Annabeth said, jumping to me and giving me a hug. I chuckled, hugging her back, but avoided getting my blood on her. I felt tears gather in my eyes again, and I bit my lip to stop the tears, I didn't want to cry. I can't cry, I won't. I'm supposed to be strong, it's what everyone expects, I can't let them down.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to her repeatedly, burying my face in her hair. I felt so weak and pathetic. If Leo and Jason didn't catch me, I would've passed out and been fine.

"Percy, it's okay." She said, setting me down onto the couch, rubbing my back. I just started at my arms, which were still bleeding heavily from when Clarisse grabbed my arm. I heard laughter, evil, cruel laughter, and I covered my ears, but the noises didn't stop. I rocked myself, as if to try to calm myself.

"Guys, lets leave him alone for a couple minutes, we'll explain." Jason claimed, and everyone walked away, and I was left there to my thoughts.

   'Haha! Finally getting what you deserve!" A voice taunted, and I saw the spirits again, except there are only five of them.

  "What do I have to do to get rid of you?" I asked quietly, just so the others wouldn't call me crazy, but they already know I am! Whats the difference if they hear me talking to something they can't see? A piece of paper floated to the ground, and I picked it up, and they all left me alone.

   "Percy? You okay? What's that?" Annabeth asked, taking the paper out of my hands, looking at the list.

   "It's a list, of what I need to do to get rid of these ghosts." I said, reading the list.

1: Self harm ✔️

2: Addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling

3: hurt someone you love

4: Reveal deepest secret

5: Kill someone

6: Kill yourself

  "That's a bizarre list." Piper claimed. "Are you actually willing to do any of these?" She asked, and I shrugged.

  "No, not a chance. I thought I already revealed my deepest secret?" I said questionably, and they shrugged, and then I grabbed another piece of paper I always have in my pocket, well, since the ghost.

   "Is that a list of secrets?" Annabeth asked, looking over my shoulder at it, and I instinctively hid the paper, blushing.

  "Something like that." I said sheepishly, rubbing my neck with a nervous smile. I was shocked that I was even able to bring that out, with the events of today. Annabeth had a hurt expression on her face, no doubt because I hid my secrets from her. She wanted to know, and she wanted to help but I wasn't letting her. I just feel exposed enough as it is. 

   "Percy, I need to speak to you, alone." Chiron ordered gently and I sighed, nodding. Everyone walked out quickly, and Chiron looked at me. "This is a bad time to drop the news, and I'm so sorry for this, your mom and Paul we killed 2 days ago." Chiron said, and I gasped, struggling to find words.

   "W-what? How? No, your lying to me." I said, holding back my tears. He shook his head, looking down sadly. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I sobbed, shaking me head. "No, they can't be gone." I whispered, sobbing. I could deny it all I want, but they were gone. Chiron wasn't lying.

   "I am so sorry, my boy. I knew I shouldn't have dropped this news on you like this. But here." He said, handing me an envelope. I nodded, and he trotted away, leaving me alone. The ghosts didn't bother me, and for that I was thankful, but what happened to my mom?

   Inside the envelope was a piece of paper, and I skimmed through it, but my dyslexia couldn't read it. I stood up, walking outside, and everyone was standing there, ears against the wall. I looked at them in confusion, and they all blushed, it was kind of funny.

   "What happened?" Annabeth asked carefully, and I walked inside, and they all followed.

"My mom and Paul are dead." I said bitterly, walking out of the big house and to the cabin I've been staying in.

Haunted (Percy Jackson fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon