Chapter 6

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"It, it just happened. I took a picture, and the other one hasn't deleted off my phone quite yet, whoever wants you dead doesn't care what anyone else got about this." Jason said, staring at the thing on my table. Poseidon was staring at it wide eyes as well, and I had to look.

Suck my dick you whore. Just kill yourself already fucking mistake

God knows you've tried before


And above it, was a bunch of bloody bones, and pictures of me when I was younger, getting beaten by Gabe, although it didn't show. I wanted to throw up, but I had nothing in me, no water, no food, nothing but boiling blood. I can't believe it's getting worse and worse.

"Fuck, whatever or whoever is doing this is putting their heart and soul into this." I said, gulping slightly. I couldn't even tear my eyes away from the gruesome sight. Poseidon rubbed my arm comfortingly.

"And now I understand why you weren't at dinner." Poseidon said, clearing his throat, looking away, but I still couldn't. I wanted to feel something, something other than anxiety, and anger, but everything else vanished. What was this thing trying to achieve here? I'm nothing, nothing of importance.

"Yeah." Was all that I could say, finally forcing my eyes away from the horrific sight. People all around were whispering, probably about this. All of this in one day? How bad is tomorrow going to be?

-the next day 👀-

When I woke up, everything seemed normal, and I also almost forgot about the events of yesterday, almost. Nothing like waking up to the stench of cigarettes.... wait when did I smoke those things? Why would I smell them? I shrugged off the feeling, and walked to the pavilion. Today didn't feel as suffocating, and I was hungry now. I sat with Jason at my table, even though the stuff that was placed there yesterday was gone, I still didn't trust it.

"Finally hungry I see." Jason smirked and I glared slightly.

"Sleep always helps. And nothing happened this morning to snatch my appetite away, yet." I said, shrugging and shoving an entire blue pancake into my mouth. Jason laughed at me, and then he turned his head, greeting Leo and Frank. Boys day it seems like.

"Sleep well, Perce?" Leo asked with a raised eyebrow, sitting beside Jason while Frank sat beside me.

"Other than the nightmares, pretty good actually." I said, after I finally swallowed the pancake. Leo laughed at me, and the other two were having a conversation of their own.

"You seem surprised by the fact." Leo laughed and I blushed, shrugging.

"Usually I hardly ever sleep, honestly. I don't remember the last time other than last night I had a full nights sleep." I chuckled, and they all looked at me in confusion. Ah shit, shouldn't have said anything but they're your friends secrets need to stay secrets you need to trust the people you surround yourself with doesn't mean they have to know of my sleep deprived self, they already know of the abuse now. And that was the end of my internal war.

"How much do you sleep usually?" Frank asked.

"I don't know, it usually varies." I said tightly, and they all noticed this, dropping the subject, and I was glad for that. I don't really want to share every little thing about myself. I know I should trust them, but I can't, I can't tell how they would react and I can't lose my friends, or my wisegirl.

"So, how are you coping with all the stuff from yesterday?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow. I looked down at my food, and I instantly lost my appetite.

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