Chapter 10

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  (Before Percy ran to the Zeus cabin...)

Jason's POV

  I jumped as Percy slammed the door to the big house. We were left in an awkward silence, Hades and Chiron having a silent conversation, the girls passing notes, and us guys were just sitting here in shock of what just transpired. Percy had it so horrible, and I'm still wondering why everyone thought he had the best childhood when he has it worse then all of us.

  "Someone needs to go after him." Annabeth said, breaking the silence. The silence was thick, and Annabeth cut it with with the sharpest blade she had.

"I will." I said, standing up.

  "No, I will. I don't think he wants to have a deep conversation right now, he needs brutality right now. I'll go." Clarisse decided, alright walking out the door.

  "Do you guys trust him? That he won't kill you?" Katie asked quietly, and all of the guys looked at her incredulously.

  "Of course we trust him, he saved us to many times to kill us. And besides, he didn't mean to kill them, he only purposely killed Gabe." Leo said, in a rush to defend Percy.

  "He hired someone to beat up Gabes brother." Annabeth said pointedly and I felt myself grow angry. Percy is my bro, I won't let his childhood and mistakes change that.

  "So? He said he regrets it! He was a kid." I said, shocked that Annabeth wouldn't trust Percy. She is going to break his heart because of her distrust.

   "And when a kid becomes a murderer, they grow up a murderer, stay a murderer." Piper said and I stared at her in shock. She wouldn't accuse Percy of being a murderer, its just not like her, right?

   "He was hurt, he grew up with a messed up family." Frank said, and I could tell he was hoping Hazel wasn't against Percy.

   "Not an excuse. Lots of us grew up neglected, did we become murderers because of that?" Hazel said, quietly. Frank was quiet, but he didn't agree with her, I knew that much.

   "He was abused, and grew up before he was even able to be a kid. He suffered, and he made some mistakes that he regrets. Let's not ponder to much on it, go make sure he's okay. Make sure he and Clarisse don't kill each other." Chiron said, trotting away. Hades flashed away and we all went out separate ways. We walked around, and we ran into Clarisse, who was fuming.

  "Woah, what happened?" Leo asked in shock.

  "Percy's crazy, completely crazy! Fine one moment, then hallucinating and not telling me what I saw! As soon as he saw something he ran to your cabin and he saw something else and then wouldn't tell me." She growled angrily and stormed away, she was pissed.

  "We should leave him alone for a bit I guess." I said, and we walked around for a bit, before Leo and I decided to go check up on Percy.

   "Am I the only one with a bad feeling?" Leo asked hesitantly. I shook my head, looking at the door nervously.

  "Check the cameras." I decided, and Leo complied, pulling up the screen that sees all the cameras see. Percy was sitting on the floor, blade on his wrists, sobbing. I ran inside the cabin, Leo following quickly. I tackled him succeeding in getting the knife out of his hands. Percy reaches desperately, sobbing. Leo kicked the knife away before he could reach the knife.

   "Let me go!" He screamed desperately, struggling from underneath me. I held onto him tightly, and he slowly stopped struggling. He groaned, rubbing his eyes, and he snapped out of his trance, looking at his wrists in shock. Tears started strolling down his face again, but I let him go, and sat him up. Leo and I sat beside him as he sobbed into his knees, shaking his head.

   "I'm so sorry, I'm so so so sorry." He sobbed.

  "It's okay, just tell us what happened." Leo said calmly, rubbing his back. I stood up and grabbed some gauzes and water and poured water lightly on his arms, the blood washed away, but the cuts were still there, fresh. They weren't healing any farther, I kept trying to dump more water on them, but they weren't healing.

  "J-Jason, it won't work, just wrap it." Percy hiccuped and I looked at him in shock, but wrapped his arms up anyways.

  "Clarisse said you were hallucinating?" Leo asked, making eye contact with Percy, who nodded and looked away from us.

  "What or who did you see?" I asked, and Percy put the heels of his hands into his eyes, as if to stop his tears.

  "6 ghosts. Gabes family, the nurse, police officer and Gabes close friend." He said numbly.

  "That explains during the meeting why 6 paintings fell." I stated. They both nodded.

  "Why couldn't water heal your cuts any more?" Leo asked curiously, looking sat his wrists.

  "Poseidon's children have lots of power, and even though water can heal what someone else has done, it can't heal what's self inflicted." Percy said, standing up, legs shaking like crazy. We helped him stay balanced and walked him out of the cabin.

  "Woah, that is hard to expect. Why wouldn't it heal self inflicted wounds?" Leo asked curiously. Geez, sometimes he acts like a son of Athena. Luckily he wasn't, we wouldn't be able to have two of those.

   "Yeah, I know. I asked my father about it when I was able to, sometime when I was still cutting a couple years ago." Percy mumbled, his eyes opening for a few seconds before closing a bit. He lost quite a bit of blood, water wouldn't help this time.

  "Let's get you to the big house so Chiron can help you, somehow." I mumbled, and I noticed Percy's hand twitch slightly. I shrugged it off slightly, and continued to practically carry him with Leo's help.

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