Chapter 5

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   I gasped, all of them escaped? Gabe, his buddies, they all hate me! How many mortals did I piss of enough for them to do this? Is it a ghost? How could I be so sure?

  "Percy, we don't know if it's a spirit yet, don't get your hopes up." Jason said, rubbing my shoulder and I sighed. I completely sat up, leaning against the wall.

  "It being a ghost would make me feel a whole lot better about this." I grumbled, hiding my face. I can't believe I reacted like that, I'm such a weakling. I should've kept this to myself, I should've lied about everything and forget about this.

  "We know, but we need facts." Annabeth said and I nodded. Suddenly, I heard something shatter in the other room and the sound of the door slam, and I hurried to see what happened. Pictures were on the floor and so were shattered beer bottles, with another note.

  You messed up big time

  I gulped, and I looked among the others, who were also wide eyed. Suddenly, I noticed something underneath of it, but I couldn't read it.

  "What does it say?" I asked, looking at Frank, who didn't have dyslexia. He looked closely, and his eyebrow raised up in confusion.

   "Some nickname. Brainboy I think it said." Frank said, and I felt the colour drain from my face, I now knew it wasn't someone at camp, no one from camp knew this nickname. Only Gabe and some of his buddies, like the one police officer that got arrested and then killed in a prison breakout or something, or the nurse, who I accidentally poisoned.

  "Well, it's definitely a ghost." I said loud enough for them to hear. They looked at me as if I were crazy.

  "It's just a nickname, how can it be proof? Doesn't your mom call you that?" Annabeth asked and I shook my head, sitting on my bunk, which seems to be my most common activity.

  "No, my previous step father and some of his friends." I growled slightly. "He started calling me brainboy one time when I started making sarcastic remarks towards him, he tried suffocating me that day." I chuckled slightly, and the others looked at me in shock.

  "Why would he try suffocating you?" Piper asked in shock and I could only shrug.

  "Hated me I guess, hated me since he met me. So did his buddies, everyone that was friends with Gabe hated me." I said thoughtfully.

   "Was he abusive? Were his friends?" Annabeth asked and I debated telling her, I could tell her and they could over react, or I can not tell them and they think I'm crazy. I think they already pieced it together for the most part. I sighed, nodding.

  "Yeah, but it's not a big deal." I shrugged and they looked at me like I was crazy. It probably seemed like it was, honestly. I could understand why they would think I'm crazy.

   "You don't think big deals are important, huh?" Jason asked with a scoff and I blushed deeply.

  "They aren't. I'm alive." I chuckled.

  "Not for long, with how much this spirit hates you. How many mortals that hate you are dead?" Nico asked with a raised eyes brow, and I felt myself pale once more.

  "Um, Gabe, the nurse who I cannot remember the name of, Carl, which is a police officer, Gabes sister, brother, and father, and almost all of Gabes friends." I cringed, lots of dead people, and there are also alive people. "And some others I think, I can't remember." I said biting the inside of my cheek. They all looked at me in shock.

  "Did you have something to do with their deaths?" Piper asked in shock, and I pondered telling them.

  "Carl died in a prison breakout and I am the one that got him sent there. The nurse died because I accidentally, um, poisoned her. Gabes friends died of overdose. Gabes sister died from getting run over while she was chasing me because I ran away. The brother died because I think I hired someone to beat him up. The others I don't remember." I said nervously.

   "That's messed up dude." Leo said, eyes widened. I shrugged.

  "Messed up childhood, not much of an excuse though. To be fair, Gabes brother was, evil, to say the least. Almost as bad as Gabe was." I said, frowning a bit.

  "Can you tell us?" Annabeth asked quietly, and I shook my head.

  "I don't like talking about it. Now, let's go, it's dinner." I said, standing up, I still wasn't very hungry, but I know I need to eat, or else they would all throw fits.

  "Are you going to eat this time?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow, and I couldn't help but look down at my hands.

  "I'm not hungry." I shrugged, making eye contact. He sighed, walking out. The rest looked at me sadly and left. I shoved my face into my pillow, and punched my wall slightly. Suddenly, there was a flash in my room, and I knew who it was.

  "Percy, what's wrong?" My father asked, sitting next to me. I sighed, knowing that there was no way I could lie to him. He looked busy, because his hair was all over the place, he was wearing a business suit, with the pants backwards. I felt guilty.

  "Nothing, you seem like you were in the middle of something, you can go back to it." I said, making eye contact with him so he believes I'm okay. Am I okay though?

"That can wait, I'm concerned about you. You are my main priority." He said determinedly, and I knew there was no way that I could lie about it.

  "The others would probably be able to give you a better answer. All I know is that someone wants me dead, and I'm pretty sure it's a spirit, mortal." I said, shrugging.

  "How would a ghost be able to get in camp? Especially a mortal?" Dad asked, and I was surprised I didn't think of that myself? Maybe whoever is trying to kill me is a demigod?

  "I don't know. The ghost addressed me by a nickname no one from camp knows. The others could explain better." I said, and right after I said that, I got a text from Jason. "It's Jason?" I said questionably.

J- you might wanna come see this... it just started happening during dinner, come ASAP

  I didn't have to respond. "Come on, Jason said something happened at the pavilion." I told Poseidon, and I stood up, rushing out the door. He followed quickly after, and we sprinted to the pavilion as quickly as we could, and when we came in, I froze. It was clear as day that whoever was doing this hated me.

  "How did this happen?" I ask, not even wanting to look at it, I didn't even know what it was, but I know it would take away the appetite I didn't even have.

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