Chapter 13: Xaug, Syvix, and Galof

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After sheathing her sword Jade saw her father and approached him. If she was going to do this, she needed to know what she was up against.

"You seem to know a bit about who the enemy is," she said to her father. "I need to know everything you do."

Her father sighed. "Your mom, Saje, and myself left Atlantis after an incident involving these three. Your mom can fill you in on the details later, but what you need to know now is who they are.

"Galof was a highly respected general of Atlantis; after a falling out with your aunt he committed a heinous act of dark magic that gave him the ability to create shadow soldiers and possess others. He made them identical to the shadow soldiers. He is able to survive a mortal wound by recreating his energy in a separate location and reviving himself over the course of thirteen weeks. A blow to the heart will kill him, but only to the heart.

"Syvix was a high profile sorcerer who was being detained at Atlantis. He always disturbed me, like he was using us. Sometimes I think he wanted to be caught. But I shouldn't be surprised by anything he does; before he was imprisoned he was Lucifer's right-hand man."

Jade's shock must have been visible on her face because her father paused to let this information sink in. The war waged one thousand years ago was started by Lucifer and the Dark One. Lucifer was an old Guard of Atlantis who destroyed the city. The Dark One was a greater mystery, his power was unknown and his origin a secret even from Lucifer. Lucifer turned on the Dark One but was spared; he was sealed away in the domain he created deep below the earth's crust. A place he called Hell."

"What about Xaug?" asked Jade.

"He was Saje's Apprentice," her father continued. "Saje was told about the dark destiny that his student, Xavier, had ahead of him. He thought he could change it, to keep him from darkness, but when Xavier found out what his true destiny was: Xaug was born. The three of them left Atlantis together and after the defeat we had at their hands we left Atlantis, realizing it was not where we belonged anymore.

"Saje is doing everything in his power to ensure that his pupil sees the error of his ways before it is too late."


"Wake up, Saje, we have some catching up to do."

Saje could hear a voice.... a familiar voice....

"Wake up, we have much to discuss."

That many good memories associated with that voice, and yet....

"Wake up now!"

"I'm awake, Xavier," said Saje, coming around. He looked up and straight into the eyes of his old apprentice. The eyes so full of hope and promise were now cold and angry. His voice was not angry, but bitter.

"We have some catching up to do," repeated Xaug.

"And what could you possibly want to discuss with me?" demanded Saje. "You never seem to be interested in what I have to say."

"Because what you say had no importance, but I felt it would be prudent to let you know that your efforts to reach me are in vain. I know my destiny and your attempts to alter it are hopeless."

"You have a choice," pleaded Saje. "You can stop this. You don't have to be this person you've become."

"This is what you don't understand," said Xaug. "You are trying to keep my from my real self."

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